Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Runescape On School Laptop


I wanted to point out that, to meet the new communication methods of Social Networks, the PDD has moved to Facebook at the following address: ? gid = 182614586052 & ref = ts

This blog will remain open and visible to all, both as a piece of history "but also to advertise various events worldly revelers (and Bologna), for those who do not that use the respective network.


The Pres Ennius

Monday, January 4, 2010

Pokemon Snap N64 Mac Emulator

fall and rebirth ...

great 2010 everyone!
this climate even some lazy party invites speculation on the world ... those on which anyone can disagree, those who have a base which has pitched his mansion in the imagination, and there is nothing more yielding some fantasy that it expressed, because there was not much else to do ...
hairstyles that change, recurrent and periodic waxing, beauty treatments (no matter what 'beauty' might mean), the make-up that intends to mean any time of day or night as the urgency of be clean, shopping as an expression of loving yourself ...
women through a variety of cathartic event that it is difficult even just to list here ... a life cycle that is more spiritual than you had anticipated, fall and rebirth of swing ... and who has spoken for the first fallen angel perhaps knew that the angels have sex ... and maybe that ' Angel was a woman ...