Thursday, March 17, 2011

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With a. ..

Rita Carla M.
Carla Z. Dario James


Angela Laura Elisa

Filippo Daniela

Anna Lisa Anna

Sara / March
Monica A.

I liked the good wishes he has received.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sugaring For Men Ottawa


People fall into two categories used to say that: those who divide others into categories and those that do not. Without wishing to fall under the first category can not be denied that in this world there are people who carry the aura of a winner even when they sleep and the other flops have it printed in the DNA.
If we speak of Italian politics lord of all the defeats is certainly the Democratic Party , plastic and we have another demonstration yesterday, the feast day of the woman who has been redone for the occasion makeup has occurred in the square with the features of yet, a thousand times already seen, always equal to itself, a day of hatred "civil" against Berlusconi.

announcing big stuff if the natural spokesman of the anti-cav salesman, the manager of the Unit Concita De Gregorio, on the eve off balance by quoting a letter received on the eve of the event February 13, the widow of a Nobel Prize in which the lady said she felt in the "New Wind" flavor of the Italian women " words and gestures with her husband in the last his year, about the strength of squares against the schemes of each density and type .
Got it? Women are so many anti cav, united, ready to make history, and will save us all. It also saves us, unprepared as we are, we do not even understand that they must be saved from something.

The big day was yesterday, mimosas and slogans to the conquest of the squares of Italy. Only the squares that have remained empty : less than 50 people in London (do not know how many of them women) more or less similar in Naples.
In Rome, the protest came to below Palazzo Grazioli, the slogan of great social value ranged from "Cop but we're doing, at home, there are dishes to be washed and ironed clothes " (which many fellow Guareschi Gisela of memory) to evergreen " There is a fucking laugh " (text) via a "Take back our lives " put in the middle so, just to give a tone.

But fortunately, the degree of filling of the streets is not everything, in fact, yesterday there were many other issues to talk about and reminded us Rosy Bindi proudly presents and fair with accompanying the famous 10 million signatures calling for the resignation of Prime Minister. Signatures democratic, that does not discriminate between real human beings and those living and those of historical figures who died in past centuries, or other never existed except in the imagination of writers and cartoonists, and the icing on the cake of the same signature convinced Silvio Berlusconi.

A travesty of the real ones, overt leadership of that party just a little 'more prudent would avoid riding, maybe hiding under the rug, just to spare yourself the fool.
The staff of the PD, with Bindi in the head, instead there he was, to be photographed with the boxes of a petition that not worth the paper it is printed, put his face sull'ennesimo public failure.

Losers successful it was once. No no, just losers.

Friday, March 4, 2011

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Labor Required

The news of these tasty, it will be for this reason that the usual "giornaloni" have carefully avoided talking about it, as are employed to dissect, in multilingual mode, the many facets of private life of the neo-novice Ruby and her "sisters."
We see the facts: Marco Travaglio back in 2002 wrote a piece titled "Villain pact between the Mafia and Italy Force. A man of honor speaking to a Colonel of the relations of Cosa Nostra and politics. It is killed before repent. " We were not even in the era of Spatuzza but the story of Berlusconi's party was born from bank to do "our thing" was already strong in L'Espresso and its surroundings.

In particular, the article tells the story of Luigi Ilardo , a mobster in the odor of repentance made out by the Mafia before he could tell his truth to the Prosecutors Republic of Palermo, and Colonel of the Carabinieri Michele Riccio, who had collected the revelations of Ilardo and then sue the prosecutor of Palermo that he attended a meeting at the office of Carlo Taormina, his lawyer, in which , he said, he was asked to put the silencer to the notes on the talks with the newly repentant over to try to give a hand to Dell'Utri its processes.

Labor cites the minutes of the statements made by Colonel Riccio and focuses on the presence at that meeting, then a politician, particularly in view " On that occasion, as in others, at the Chambers of. Taormina was also present Mr Previti .

who reads the article and concludes that 2 +2 Previti has taken part in quell'adunata animated by sinister intentions, and given the its caliber in the political landscape of the time, it certainly must have been an active participant, if not the promoter.
pity, however, that Labor is the most beautiful distraction and forget to return the entire sentence for failing their the extent to which coincidence Riccio says "the Previti but it was agreed for other reasons, related to the common political activity with the Taormina, and was not present at the time of discourses concerning the legal position of Dell'Utri .

Take the libel action that leads to the conviction at first instance and on appeal, the conduct of Labor is considered a "proven malicious". Unfortunately, the reasons for the decision of the Court of Appeals takes nearly a year to be filed (compared to sixty days of practice) and the offense lapse. Greetings.

The court case is closed then here, but we have a problem. Oh yes because who is drinking every Thursday night at the source of the "Gospel according to Mark," which is being proposed with pills than 5 minutes a week during "Annozero, in addition to the thousand and one reasons why Berlusconi should be executed in the public square , has learned two things: that "an innocent man is not a prescribed" and that "an innocent man can not accept to be prescribed."

In this case, apparently, the accused Marco Travaglio has willingly accepted the benefit of the limitation, since there is no news of indignant renunciation. Who knows if someone will remember to speak next Thursday on Raidue ...