Friday, March 4, 2011

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Labor Required

The news of these tasty, it will be for this reason that the usual "giornaloni" have carefully avoided talking about it, as are employed to dissect, in multilingual mode, the many facets of private life of the neo-novice Ruby and her "sisters."
We see the facts: Marco Travaglio back in 2002 wrote a piece titled "Villain pact between the Mafia and Italy Force. A man of honor speaking to a Colonel of the relations of Cosa Nostra and politics. It is killed before repent. " We were not even in the era of Spatuzza but the story of Berlusconi's party was born from bank to do "our thing" was already strong in L'Espresso and its surroundings.

In particular, the article tells the story of Luigi Ilardo , a mobster in the odor of repentance made out by the Mafia before he could tell his truth to the Prosecutors Republic of Palermo, and Colonel of the Carabinieri Michele Riccio, who had collected the revelations of Ilardo and then sue the prosecutor of Palermo that he attended a meeting at the office of Carlo Taormina, his lawyer, in which , he said, he was asked to put the silencer to the notes on the talks with the newly repentant over to try to give a hand to Dell'Utri its processes.

Labor cites the minutes of the statements made by Colonel Riccio and focuses on the presence at that meeting, then a politician, particularly in view " On that occasion, as in others, at the Chambers of. Taormina was also present Mr Previti .

who reads the article and concludes that 2 +2 Previti has taken part in quell'adunata animated by sinister intentions, and given the its caliber in the political landscape of the time, it certainly must have been an active participant, if not the promoter.
pity, however, that Labor is the most beautiful distraction and forget to return the entire sentence for failing their the extent to which coincidence Riccio says "the Previti but it was agreed for other reasons, related to the common political activity with the Taormina, and was not present at the time of discourses concerning the legal position of Dell'Utri .

Take the libel action that leads to the conviction at first instance and on appeal, the conduct of Labor is considered a "proven malicious". Unfortunately, the reasons for the decision of the Court of Appeals takes nearly a year to be filed (compared to sixty days of practice) and the offense lapse. Greetings.

The court case is closed then here, but we have a problem. Oh yes because who is drinking every Thursday night at the source of the "Gospel according to Mark," which is being proposed with pills than 5 minutes a week during "Annozero, in addition to the thousand and one reasons why Berlusconi should be executed in the public square , has learned two things: that "an innocent man is not a prescribed" and that "an innocent man can not accept to be prescribed."

In this case, apparently, the accused Marco Travaglio has willingly accepted the benefit of the limitation, since there is no news of indignant renunciation. Who knows if someone will remember to speak next Thursday on Raidue ...


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