Monday, July 7, 2008

Sample Of Invitation To Exhibition

Monte Donato Festival

Given the great success they have achieved, so short time, the "People of Fun" and its initiatives, it adds to honors PDD-ian adventures of a new event now now in its third act, which was born as an idea for a graduation party for two I'm sure that would be worthy of being part of the PDD (if you allow me, and vice pres), which are my good old cousin Anthony and Gianluca: The Monte Donato Festival!

So step to introduce the initiative: it is a party organized in a clearing near one of the hills of Bologna, Monte Donato precisely. The conduct of the event is among the classics, he begins to "zompettare" overnight, 22:00 , and go for the more daring, until dawn on Sunday, as the appointment is scheduled for Saturday, July 12 . Needless to say, the spirit in which we live this party is a cocktail of more traditional of good music and lots of fun in the company of good friends, and then one of those events from which the PDD can hardly be called out, given ingredients.

The only help that we ask you, in addition to your kind participation, a share of € 5 to cover expenses related to the gifts to be offered in honor of "God Bacchus" Music and infrastructure.

Here's an excerpt of an issue passed:

........... Enjoy Responsibly Monte Donato .......... :-) :-) :-)

For those who did not know how to get there:

flock, will not regret it !!!!!
For info:


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