Friday, January 23, 2009

Frame Dimensions For Beach Buggy

light reflections in the mirror

was not so long ago ... or maybe it was only yesterday ...
sometimes I feel that the mind has traveled more than he could make the body ... and the weather to expand and compress inhuman speed.
yet the calendar reminds me that exactly a month ago landed back in Italy.
and time has not left unresolved problems, and did not leave my doubts still hanging in the air ... but it came in a dream and whispered to me that so it goes. and that sometimes does not like my interference.
aspect, and so the signs by which I think make a mark in my life . and yet I let her to do something, because I know that we can do ...
am leaving for Australia in a time that was not very convincing to me, and I lived for nine months with his head down and when the blood started coming to my head I started to feel even that the carousel spinning fast ... and I was curious and I let me entertain you ... and me entertained I do not have the visa renewed, I have extended the my stay, I explored more than I already did ...
night I got on a plane and I cried, I have thrown everything behind because once again the life that I did not want intromettessi too.
and today I'm happy to have left to do, I'm happy I've started to give me back what I had wanted to leave ... and I'm happy, extremely happy that I have never taken anything that I have ... nothing taken away ...
nick told me one evening: " anywhere in the world, people fighting for the same things, want the same things, have to live through the same process ... all they want, without any distinction, be happy ...
sometimes escaping through the window, we realize that our universe has expanded. and it came back strongly in our house through the front door.
there are things like, we've always hoped for. there is no reason to feign indifference.


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