Friday, May 29, 2009

How To Correct Ast Levels

movement of surface work in progress ... exhausted ...

I said ...
I tried for so long the depth where depth was not there ... and thinking to uncover hidden treasures of time, move with the same superficiality and stayed on the surface.
what the world is strange when something escapes from his lips, before we know it.
and how strange it is our mood when we confront the world and in comparison we find the courage to understand what is gone.
and fragile but are incorruptible. and I am distraught but serene.
no song in the background ...
is the flow of thoughts, quiet but not silent. courageous without arrogance.
everything is crystal clear ... and will not be long before it becomes crystal. and everything went back to stability.
sooner or later it all comes back. not what you dream you can not live .
and smile ...


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