Saturday, October 23, 2010

Whats Good For Plegam

Wayfarers in Casale Monferrato: October 30 to 31

Each path gives the time of conviction:

's soul, reflected in the landscape, opens to the future.

How many times have we read about this acronym, GB, in "camminareinforma" in "the way", to sign a short and intense thoughts about life as a journey or on the way as life?
who walked with groaning already got to know Gianluca Bonazzi, a member of the group Camminattori MOViMENTOLENTO.

Now Gianluca return to House, Saturday, Oct. 30, to present his "Thoughts Wayfarers." Just
where to May we met him, will present his book-notebook during a walk in the historic town of Monferrato, departing at 15:00 from the Citadel.

Sunday 31, the association works Ozzano and friends of the CAI Casale Gianluca and those who will accompany the path of "The Way of Cement" by Ozzano to Coniolo. Meeting to Ozzano Square Station 9.00 am .

All friends are welcome to both events!


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