Monday, May 26, 2008

Patch Port Royale 2 1.1

POST PARTY: Following the first worthy!

Dear members and applicants!

It 's the President speaking to you!

As previously announced, was held, among thousands of Organizational and "climatic uncertainty", for one week on from the ' Vent ONE! Party , the " Vent ONE! Post-Party .

What should have been a simple drink containing alcohol outdoors from the Twenty-left party, has turned into an impromptu party, say, the previous event has completed ... in every sense! ! : D

We started ... from 21 onwards, a thousand adventures and the night ended around 2.30. Followed by a stroll downtown and then a "stop" in Piazza S. Stefano.

Among the memorable events to remember I can not mention the three rounds of B52 to the flame, with overture-style "College Bar": D: D:-D Great Johnny! -

This has for some resulted in the deterioration of cognitive skills and therefore, the progressive "sunset fog" ... : P

Ordunque begin with thanks.

thank all those who participated in the " Vent ONE! Post-Party .

Special thanks I owe it to Johnny-Vice-President for strong contribution and those that I have "supported" (including Johnny of course), both figuratively and literally at that! (End of the party) .

: D: D: D

The animated image that opens this post, symbolizes the progress of the events of Saturday 24 and my concern was made especially for the occasion. ;)

(ONLY BLOGGER WHO DOES NOT SEE ME THE ANIMATED-> So much effort for nothing ... I'll try again anyway)

Regards from Your President!

"Enjoy Yourself and Study!

... But Especially Enjoy"


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