Friday, January 28, 2011

Men Shirt Salon Dance

Intimidation live

The master controls and Masi ...

the timing but it put the lie.

a poor man and we are here to bear. But until when?

complaint ....

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Internal Bleeding Big Toe

Expressing outrage at the time of Web 2.0

s Downe said that knowledge is understanding condivsa, is the result of these connections, something that can not be ignored. Once you've identified you can not forget it. It's like Where's Waldo , once you've identified in the photo you can identify it in the future.
Yes, I recognize the validity of the statement with which I am in perfect agreement. I feel echo.

The connection now is what I propose below. I met / identified as I read the post from a friend that I follow regularly

It seems to me that it was Piero Calamandrei to report some time this inclination of the Italian people to "moral decay, indifference, systematic cowardice. " In his book "The Vicar of Pius XII Hochhuth" Luigi Villa Indro Montanelli cites these words: "In Italy, the" Truth "is true only if you are many. Why not be wrong in Italy is dangerous. Just having him in chorus, that is, along with everyone else. The dangers big runs them only who does stick in the choir, even if to speak a truth, then validate the facts. The law of this country is that of the flock. All you can do, is the error that the recognition of the error, provided that all together. The block there is no escape. In every age and in whatever scheme he is and will always be the enemy (the sheep) number one!
displays the words that are used most frequently in this blog realizzazta through a cloud with Wordle
A name leaps out: Ruby. I let the reader make the obvious connection.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Disadvantage Using Water As A Cooling?

listening to the radio for the collection of Charles

Like every morning I tuned Rairadio3, this time George Zanchini leads Whole Town's Talking which I follow with pleasure is a very successful and that it certainly consiglio.Ăˆ available in podcast.

and aired a song by Ivano Fossati " Cara democracy" to which reference. It's worth it given the political situation today.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Will A Mouse Eat A Rubbermade Container

Lorenabobbit Des Nuda

too strong

(January 20, 2011)

political parody of the famous song Natalino Otto Talk to Me

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Can Optical Migraines Last Days

Some good news

I read on the Republic. it today that

to talk to me, a parody of the song written by Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller in the '50s and brought the success in 1982 by Donald Fagen, Elio sings Ruby Baby.
transcribe the words that accompany the subtitled video.

I have a girl, her name is Ruby
was seventeen but I also loved
I called the police because you will be given
I said you
Mubarak's niece, Ruby, Ruby, when you Me?

I have a girl, her name is Ruby
I'd give anything to turn the heart
I even a little money by
and I want to give all of you
Ruby, Ruby, when you'll be mine?
I'll give you five million euro.
Silvio called BallarĂ²: Floris blocks it.
Berlusconi calls in the program live on Rai Tre, but this time the tenant does not intervene. This was revealed in the closing episode of the reporter:''Viewed as had happened to the last time we invited him to come next week.''

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Best 100 Watt Speaker

Homo homini lupus

What happened during my recent trip to train deserves some consideration, because it is illustrative of the times in which we live and the interaction model Social dominance: the arrogant, the brazen trying to impose its interests above those who come to share the same spaces.
The event has taken place on the train Frecciarossa No. 9531 which, starting from Milano Centrale, Salerno has as its final destination.
Both my son and us, we find that the most convenient train ride than drive, even if it is not always cheaper, relying on a few hours of relative calm and quiet, devoted to reading or consultation of 'last magazine purchased. Happens, however, choices and expectations that must deal with those who have decided to use the same means to reach the specified destination traveling with your pet.
Having had a dog in the family since childhood I know the type of relationship is established between animal and owner, I know how difficult its management, know the issues that arise. These are the precise duties and functional comprehension of what I'm going to tell and the resulting reflections.
I was assigned a window seat, the seat to my right is occupied by a large handbag, Louis Vuitton, black, in front of the station is intended for my son, to his right, facing me, sat a man who, judging by the guide that are consulting, is French. Since committed to reading the last publication of Carofiglio I can not identify the person who lodged Ground container used for carrying a dog and that certainly has aroused my curiosity.
As the train left on time, leave the station and the dog is confined in the space between two seats I have no way of observing the young lady who is sitting next to me, it looks to be a chick focused on their desires that pays no attention to those who are around.
he began the first with whom the dog barks expresses its disappointment at his segregation, it soon starts barking bothering people. It is at this point that the Miss wonders whether the release of the dog may displease someone. It is precisely this fact that I express my doubt about the possibility of bringing dogs on the train and reveal my malstare because of a nagging headache, getting immediatamete an aggressive response. The girl says more disappointed than me that had to hear the barking of his dog.
decides to stand up for free him and kept on a leash walked away while I stay with my doubt thinking back to a story carried by some newspapers about the minister on a Frecciarossa poet traveling with her dog in her arms. I remember the episode had caused complaints from passengers, it is in this situation that I realize the similarity between dog and owner we are talking about here and here. When the inspector comes to check ticket inquires about my son's regulatory provisions for situations similar to the one in which we live. The answer is that the transport is allowed in the container and in the presence of certificate.
The next day I found on the Trenitalia site If you travel with your pet that says [...] " can deliver free small dogs, cats and other small pets, in the first and second class of all classes of trains, kept in the container no larger than 70x30x50 and that would prevent injury or damage to both cars to travelers. [...] ...] In any case no animals allowed in the coaches may occupy seats for passenger and if it annoys other passengers on the recommendation of staff of the train, you will be required to occupy more space available or the train. [. ..] .
In conclusion I reiterate the conviction that these days the respect of others is a rare commodity since the prevailing model, embodied by those who government and the media, subject to exceptions shoot, shows that there is a tendency to dominate others, the only objective is personal power and social recognition is not the dignity of others.
Other questions comes to mind:
- You must raise your voice (bark) to be considered?
- Is there a link between the cowardice of those responsible for supervising and the passivity of citizens / users?
- Is there a way to survive in an "A society flattened" as it appears in "The the general instructions of the 44th Censis report on the social situation of Paese/2010."?
-You must surrender to 'bitter conception of the human condition summed up by the expression Homo homini lupus?