Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Internal Bleeding Big Toe

Expressing outrage at the time of Web 2.0

s Downe said that knowledge is understanding condivsa, is the result of these connections, something that can not be ignored. Once you've identified you can not forget it. It's like Where's Waldo , once you've identified in the photo you can identify it in the future.
Yes, I recognize the validity of the statement with which I am in perfect agreement. I feel echo.

The connection now is what I propose below. I met / identified as I read the post from a friend that I follow regularly

It seems to me that it was Piero Calamandrei to report some time this inclination of the Italian people to "moral decay, indifference, systematic cowardice. " In his book "The Vicar of Pius XII Hochhuth" Luigi Villa Indro Montanelli cites these words: "In Italy, the" Truth "is true only if you are many. Why not be wrong in Italy is dangerous. Just having him in chorus, that is, along with everyone else. The dangers big runs them only who does stick in the choir, even if to speak a truth, then validate the facts. The law of this country is that of the flock. All you can do, is the error that the recognition of the error, provided that all together. The block there is no escape. In every age and in whatever scheme he is and will always be the enemy (the sheep) number one!
displays the words that are used most frequently in this blog realizzazta through a cloud with Wordle
A name leaps out: Ruby. I let the reader make the obvious connection.


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