Monday, August 17, 2009

Jovenes De 13 Follando

new poll!

here comes a new poll, to give you the opportunity, once again, to take part in this game of illusions that democracy nickie4president!
your beloved will test your brain with a philosophical depth dall'indubbio survey!
Join the crowd ... because participation is the first step towards democracy!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

How Can We Recover Throat Infection

're forgetting ...

tell me who I am, because I do not remember ...
and tell me if everything goes on, because here and finish what I started here as they are ... and then everything goes on ...
and here was everything I had and here was all I wanted to tell me and ... if everything goes on ...
tell me that everything continues, and here what I had here ... and here what I wanted here ...
tell me that everything goes ... if everything goes all I want is what I've read ... if all that is what I have ... if everything goes not tell me who I am ...
I remember.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Things To Wirte In Miracle Baby Card

everything but the stars ... Jenny & Jeoffrey

and I am reminded of that night on the beach ...
even then it was s. lorenzo ... shooting stars ... the summer ... some lies too ... and my desire to tell the truth, my desire to please despite some mistakes too committed, the ability to repeat the mistakes and to forgive volerseli.
that night did not work.
I raccontanto of an old story. Once again, the second time. and for the second time, I'm sorry, but I had not been able to avoid it. and for the second time I felt bad because it could be sorry, but I was not disappointed me.
and then everything crashes.
everything except the stars.
and I have found to spend a night sleepless. and you found me, the next day. and I had nothing to say except that I was sorry that I had not really measured the flow of events ...
but I knew it, and you knew it too. I would continue to live as I lived. and you too.
knew too, that I then I would have joked about. did you know that either I'd said I was sorry and that was the best thing I did in my life.
that neither was suspected of being here, even a bit 'here and a little' there, some years later.
and I never thought, some years later, the star of the evening to write. I hoped that I'd forgotten. but no.
that night can never be erased. and tries to remember how much we try. and tries to remember what I wanted, how much romance to paint all around me, who want to hang on shooting stars had yet.
and the shooting stars fall again ... but lightened by the weight of dreams too bulky, even for them.

Nasza Klasa Acount Delete

the animal world is familiar to me .
we may have some degree of relationship ... maybe I am a crazy cat, too indolent to accept the popular reputation of being a heartless opportunist ... a crazy cat disguised as a human ... what fun dressing up ... I disguise every day ... and those who believe it is not only an indefatigable idealist, deaf to the calls of the Ralt.
yesterday I met Jeoffrey .
I had crossed a few days ago, in the way home, but too busy in my telephone conversations I have not paid too much attention. Well, for freedom of the press: even him to me. and then went in different directions.
but not yesterday. Jeoffrey yesterday it was close to car. and I headed for home.
he was there ... what beautiful eyes. This time we approached. it was strange. I did not understand what was wrong. I first thought of trying the only approach, but then he looked at me with that look so aggressive, a little 'sharp ... and has started to have something so similar to seizures.
I was scared, it's true. but most of all, I was horrified. the paranormal does not scare me. but the rationale that prevails me suddenly, without any possibility of following the course of events, well ... that yes, it scares me.
I said a few words, well, gently. but it did not work. and left.
Jeoffrey as I walked I thought it was so thin last time I had seen. Maybe that's why I looked so annoying, we almost had me.
Jeoffrey hey, it my fault that if you are a stray cat and can not find that to feed you?
jenny is different ... not stray, lives in an apartment that I probably can not afford even the next ten years ... here are the advantages of having a master, and then maybe ... jenny is a dog ... but you do not know approaches . also gives you a chance if all you're trying to do and get to your apartment.
and we are so ourselves, even when disguised as humans.
bend our nature to the need of the moment ...
friendly only when the belly is full ...

Friday, August 7, 2009

How To Make Spiral Handreal

item ...

dear supporters!
many will already be fully prepared for the long-awaited vacation, but I resist the temptations of the flesh, and tirelessly shook me off your incompetence as a mule and I continue working ... and ... the mind does not stop.
and tonight I go back to being inspired . slowly. but intensely. I have a desire to reveal this, honestly. open up, gently. and live intensely.
too many people around me turn away from my element. and my element is air. and the air is free. but when you are too free air is thin and then you try but also more closed that air warmer.
and I just want to have the courage to breathe. deeply, begin to breathe ...
dear ... you know that in our dear country I am back for a mission. do not forget that.
but while we keep in mind, rilassiamoci.
you take the sun well. I start the stove shadow. does not mean that you reach there, where everything is crazy ... but I am tired of the shadow ...
nickie4president is back in his element ...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Why Do I Need To Repair My Emergency Lights

return to breathe ...

I always take the sea's voice, sweet smile ... ... and I'll come back to me rocking, and now I come to give myself ... every day I think for a moment I will think about it ...
summer this air relaxes the spirit, even more than the spring ... should have been a lush spring, and instead was more of a slow fall off, more of a gray cold winter ...
and then I opened the window ... slowly I let her enter the air and the sounds ... the music ... the music of existence that dance, dance tireless .. .
and never like now I'm hoping not to be wrong ...
and I always bring in the sweet voice of the sea ...

Friday, June 26, 2009

How To Clear A Baby 's Throat

the PDD has been, and there will be no '...


The festival has been postponed due to technical reasons, to Thursday, July 2! We keep up to date!

---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------

Small PDD tribute to Michael Jackson
, who died recently (also present in playlist of our site!), especially of the 80s pop icon.

Beyond his private life, his music and his personal style, eccentric and unique, will be remembered by many (including myself) ...


Well considering the last post seemed so everything goes a bit 'more gray than usual, and instead I would say that the events pddiani of months have been numerous (especially in May) and have gone much better expected.

Also my participation and that of some other has never failed.

thank everyone for the wonderful "surprise surprise" on the occasion of my birthday ... ;)
(ticket this year was great, I keep it hung next to that of 2008 over the desk).

E 'also to celebrate the election turnout figure of 95%, also known as "victory in pure alcohol," despite evidence that the period of little economic and thriving in stalemate, the desire of people to stay in joy, having fun with people blithely carries This spirit still devoting time to their commitments too, of course, whether they work or university, in one word: PDD!

However, as always, we treasure the past and look to the future:

Next event Bologna mega-holiday is the evening of Thursday, June 25 CUSB daisy gardens;

the PDD as always, support these initiatives by sponsoring!

If you are interested, contact me directly or his deputy for anything later than the day before.

you soon!

Enjoy yourself and study, But Especially enjoy!


Friday, May 29, 2009

How To Correct Ast Levels

movement of surface work in progress ... exhausted ...

I said ...
I tried for so long the depth where depth was not there ... and thinking to uncover hidden treasures of time, move with the same superficiality and stayed on the surface.
what the world is strange when something escapes from his lips, before we know it.
and how strange it is our mood when we confront the world and in comparison we find the courage to understand what is gone.
and fragile but are incorruptible. and I am distraught but serene.
no song in the background ...
is the flow of thoughts, quiet but not silent. courageous without arrogance.
everything is crystal clear ... and will not be long before it becomes crystal. and everything went back to stability.
sooner or later it all comes back. not what you dream you can not live .
and smile ...

Monday, May 18, 2009

My Tv Show Pink And Green Lines When

and smile ...

what's beyond the clichés?
and what is beyond phrases please?
after the hedge is as difficult to find a concrete building, rather than stretch endless fields, so behind the trivia is a good idea to find others, not new, not brilliant, no different ... a sea of \u200b\u200bbanality and when you are not too lucky, an ocean.
and what about the phrases that are not trivial, but trivial repeating to lose the enamel that made them interesting in some way?
is perhaps not really much to say.
then what is shocking is that people are not exempt from the same dynamics that plague situations. and indeed, people are the situations that are being built.
trivial then there are people, those that do not polish the nails have even more.
and I find myself having to say a nice out on each other, but the fact I turn to its banal absurdities. my desire to please than superomistico attitudes, and self-centeredness reluctantly gave way to the flock, who ends up picking them up.
you lose most of their time to convince others that it was only a misunderstanding that has been brutally misunderstood ...
me this time I keep it tight, and instead of apologizing, I stop watching.
and with hindsight, I smile.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

New Bima Gold Comments


How are you going this holiday season? I hope well.

The President has been an official announcement to make:

The essential obligations and commitments of everyday life slowly build our future, and even then may Sometimes you lose sight of from time to time, sooner or later you always trovarvisi face to face and not slip and / or delayed.

This is what I expect, and then are forced to move away from social events Pddiani as President.

mica That does not mean that the PDD is dead, because there is still a more than valid Vice proactive and potentially other members there are.

If however there are other candidates who want to replace me during my absences possible, they are welcome.

A resent!


Sunday, March 29, 2009

Mahabhringraj Oil Hair Loss Reviews

de rerum natura (Lucretius & co.)

and carry you where it's so hot in Arabia ... and then to cold, icy snow fields ... (patti s.)
wonderful supporters!
you yes, you are my dream: when I expressed my imagination delights and projecting your beautiful faces here, all around me ... while I'm around on stage (not the internship, dear ... the stage!).
on this spring evening, I can not think of you. In fact, in recent months, days, moments, everything was cold inside and out. but with all the spring or at least something will start to sprout again ... again ... is the nature of the game that makes fun of us . and we are enchanted to see us change the springs, which scatter the world around us and ourselves, but that does not spoil the nature. because the nature of things is immutable in its cyclical course, in the absence of time the infinity of space. is an energy that is self-renewing and makes a mockery of the solar panels.
and I remember when I thought about the nature of looking at us and see us decline, gradually or all at once, our tendency to the ideal ... we lose, we lose ourselves in life rather than in death. we discover our own divinity aspiring to the ideal, and to grow both forget: divinity and perfect.
whatever that means for each, the ideal is painted in the colors which we imagined ourselves to be children, when we heard early or very late (?) That we wanted to be. events drag and define who we are, sometimes without asking any permission.
and then I see the little girl out the window dreaming and imagining. and she was poetic nature, road, sea, rail, and over the whole sky, clouds, birds and the wind ...
and suddenly I see no longer that little girl ... I look around, I've lost it, once again I've lost, I seek ... and find her.
in the mirror.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Teaching Staff Confidentiality Agreement Template


my dear supporters!
oh how many times we are in search of words to effect, but they are slow to take effect at all, and most ominously similar to another's attacks patiently to dazzling splashes of genuine genius!
and therefore I will rise again from this brutality, a bit 'crazy as the interlocutor battiato lifts fears and hypochondria ...
so what? what about us? where we finished? happened while I was not writing?
some busy with work, many in search of it, the lucky few with new experiences all to tell, but ... if they ever find the time!
but I would have plenty of time there, right?
I'm happy to be able to write, can not decide in advance but just a little 'accident, what to talk and when to do it.
the sun is breaking even here, despite the rainy days. and if it is true that it's winter, spring will come for me too. and I will be happier now, more smiling and why not ... more like farlalle where everyone would look like ...
butterflies have a short life, however, have had to go through a process of constant change and unknown in the city do not survive: have given up a long time to live.
we can always choose what color to paint our lives, day by day ... and be reborn every day, flying, posarci on our flower and fly away.
again ... infinitely in time and space.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Seagram Whisky 100 Benifits For Woman

stories of Anton Chekhov

are still under the charm of the "stories" by Anton Chekhov ...
something that identifies a time without discomfort, if it is true that time has elapsed since the last century ... and in the meantime you can smell the rain, the cool autumn air and the sky is leaden ... ... peacefully, as everything is has always been ...
"[...] n there on the wall that you can not break through, but the heroes of contemporary fiction, as far as I know them, are too timid, weak, indolent and suspicious, and too soon to be resigned to the thought of being unlucky to have been deceived by their own personal lives, instead of fighting, only criticize, calling the world vulgar and forgetting that their own criticism gradually becomes a vulgarity. "(A. Chekhov)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Girdled Women Clad In Nylons


Hello from your Pres!

First Place:

First I wanted to officially welcome the new members of the PDD that have passed the initiation! I therefore welcome
Rosaria Ilaria and Agnes (already unofficially practicing PDD).

Second Place:

E 'come to the carnival this year and then ... it's time to celebrate. It supports the DCI as we know a lot of these initiatives! : D: D: D

Saturday, February 21 21.30 Lobby
Via Mascarella, 2 - Bologna


E 'welcome the mask.

For more info contact me or the Vice!



Friday, January 23, 2009

Frame Dimensions For Beach Buggy

light reflections in the mirror

was not so long ago ... or maybe it was only yesterday ...
sometimes I feel that the mind has traveled more than he could make the body ... and the weather to expand and compress inhuman speed.
yet the calendar reminds me that exactly a month ago landed back in Italy.
and time has not left unresolved problems, and did not leave my doubts still hanging in the air ... but it came in a dream and whispered to me that so it goes. and that sometimes does not like my interference.
aspect, and so the signs by which I think make a mark in my life . and yet I let her to do something, because I know that we can do ...
am leaving for Australia in a time that was not very convincing to me, and I lived for nine months with his head down and when the blood started coming to my head I started to feel even that the carousel spinning fast ... and I was curious and I let me entertain you ... and me entertained I do not have the visa renewed, I have extended the my stay, I explored more than I already did ...
night I got on a plane and I cried, I have thrown everything behind because once again the life that I did not want intromettessi too.
and today I'm happy to have left to do, I'm happy I've started to give me back what I had wanted to leave ... and I'm happy, extremely happy that I have never taken anything that I have ... nothing taken away ...
nick told me one evening: " anywhere in the world, people fighting for the same things, want the same things, have to live through the same process ... all they want, without any distinction, be happy ...
sometimes escaping through the window, we realize that our universe has expanded. and it came back strongly in our house through the front door.
there are things like, we've always hoped for. there is no reason to feign indifference.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Kyogre Cheat For Emerald

Pdd welcome in 2009!

Hello to everyone from the Pres!

I hope that all of you had a nice holiday season!

Happy New Year to all! : D Now

for many (including me) it's time to roll up their sleeves, but for some time is always output. ;)
A good luck to you all for your commitment!

I feel duty-bound to make a clarification regarding the previous post. Peg

anthem is nothing more than the official anthem of the PDD with the words changed.

therefore transcribe hours of PDD OFFICIAL anthem that should have been posted some time ago and the first of many imitations.

Long live the PDD PDD

hooray hooray hooray

Long live long live long live


If you do not know what to do or six

come down in the dumps in the PDD PDD

come in the evening, from the want nothing more fun

come in come in PDD PDD

You'll find many people who
always celebrate with you

Long live the PDD 2nd voice: I do not get enough of the PDD
cheers I've never quite come into
PDD I have never quite come into
PDD do not have enough
Long live PDD do not have enough
cheers PDD I have never quite come
in PDD I have never quite come into
PDD do not have enough

Son of two time
the mind and the Vice President

come in PDD PDD

come in here all sing together in joy

Come in come in PDD PDD

and meet many other people who celebrate
toast with you!

Long live the PDD PDD

hooray hooray hooray

(...) [to be completed ....]

Greetings! The Pres