Sunday, November 30, 2008

Mortician Requirements Florida

people switching

time is passing by, and although ...
is time now that I think in English ... sometimes dream in English. my speeches are hypothetical at least half in English, regardless of the interlocutor.
Magone from the start is beginning to feel ... and even a hint, but not too much so, that looks beyond a will, respectful of one ... my bias.
who knows if I will return to the land of kangaroos ...
no one will ever know what this experience has really meant for me. no one will ever know the weight of the consequences.
and there is no need to talk, and there is no need to synthesize the latest months ... I do not feel this need. hypocrite trying to share something you want to know a priori that keeps us apart and could not be otherwise.
nickie4president won even Australia!
think you are seriously debating in parliament to replace the Australian PM, Kevin R. friendly with someone definitely worth the charge. had thought to myself, but the Australian people, yes its the people, not content with a simple proposal.
is a breaking news that the proposal in the form of bill, presented at the venerable Queen of England to give the Australian people at least a slight relief: no more "commonwealth", but " nickiewealth . no longer "proud to be union," but "Proud To Be Nickie."
not least, the people's will is expressed in the request that does not permit denials and he wants me, nickie4president, head of the state.
understand very well that not just "something" keeps me tied to this land grateful, smart, attractive and above all bloody.
my dear supporters, staying in Italy may be shorter than myself, I could predict.
remember: my own breach of Porta Pia in Rome that day, up to you! oh my people!
is my destiny to lead the people.
representation is not simply getting rid of the responsibility, as Rousseau argued. is much more: it is to enhanced strength, area of \u200b\u200bweakness, unconditional acceptance of the sovereignty of nickie4president.
is my destiny. "Nicole" who wins the People .


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