Sunday, November 9, 2008

Port Royale 2 Installation Button

the circus (I)

"please, no schmaltz ... I'm so tired of crying and you thought I was a mermaid ... Give us something familiar, something similar to what we already know, something that makes us remain stable, stable, not to go anywhere ...
was a gray time where I wanted something stable, and really was not me ...
now smile again ... I seem to have back 16 years.
was again a day sun, I lived as I could only live it, I filled my interests, and how at that time there was room for someone else, but it was a default space, and there was no invasion and there would have been.
smile, and perhaps nothing of all: I have all my time, it's all back to me, there are no recriminations, no regrets, no remorse ... no time to everything that is not life ... and life, you know, is much more than this ...
and I came back happy, I came back to ask "what would happen if ...?", I came to ask me questions without fear the sad reality that only a wrong answer I was able to give ...
and I simply everything under control again ... everything is out of my control, because everything is out of my eye ...
are focused on me ... and I'm happy ...
we did not have the same feelings ... we are not always of one mind ... and at some point I gave up everything to get over myself ...


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