Sunday, December 21, 2008

Message To Put In Baby Card

Australia, goodbye ...

an X-ray would be a piece of my mind white ... the desire to write and impossible to do it ...
I found myself here, and here again I surrender ...
and I hope that the return in Italy does not look like the pathetic attempt to prove once again the role of puppet, playing a part that has never understood, that nobody has ever written and yet everyone knows by heart. ..
and I want to wake up from the torpor that everything is as I had hoped ... and I would like the life he painted for me that hope ...
melbourne will be the last image of the city luminissossima, skyscrapers fluorescent in the dark sky ...
and I get the blank stare, and no vacuum has never been so deep ...

Friday, December 12, 2008

How To Cure Long Sightedness

I'm (not) gonna leave you ...

these are the darkest days of desolation ... these are not times for the faint of heart ...
and while not listening to nothing but the rain that falls on the sloping ceiling of my room, this song gets to me ...
few more days, and this trip is over ...
is to indicate the range of emotions that I got, at least at times of maturity that has allowed me, a dream that has revived.
when a child I dreamed of Australia, I would never be able to predict the scope of what was my real journey.
a big part of me is still here, many do not ever know, and perhaps the deepest part of me ... the less processed, the most authentic, what contradictions and defects has still failed afloat, not likes and dislikes, but courageous, day by day to appear.
return to Italy, it is not a return. is a new journey, a journey all over again, that is already foresee some difficulties, but also important rewards.
the journey is more awkward, because every time you return is getting a bit 'hard to recognize others and to recognize in them. is the journey more difficult, because after so much wandering around, you have to go through ...
is a journey in the soul, is a potential that is said, is the thrill of the new and the terror of a troubling realization.
is no trip back ... and no trip is never just starting ...

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Mortician Requirements Florida

people switching

time is passing by, and although ...
is time now that I think in English ... sometimes dream in English. my speeches are hypothetical at least half in English, regardless of the interlocutor.
Magone from the start is beginning to feel ... and even a hint, but not too much so, that looks beyond a will, respectful of one ... my bias.
who knows if I will return to the land of kangaroos ...
no one will ever know what this experience has really meant for me. no one will ever know the weight of the consequences.
and there is no need to talk, and there is no need to synthesize the latest months ... I do not feel this need. hypocrite trying to share something you want to know a priori that keeps us apart and could not be otherwise.
nickie4president won even Australia!
think you are seriously debating in parliament to replace the Australian PM, Kevin R. friendly with someone definitely worth the charge. had thought to myself, but the Australian people, yes its the people, not content with a simple proposal.
is a breaking news that the proposal in the form of bill, presented at the venerable Queen of England to give the Australian people at least a slight relief: no more "commonwealth", but " nickiewealth . no longer "proud to be union," but "Proud To Be Nickie."
not least, the people's will is expressed in the request that does not permit denials and he wants me, nickie4president, head of the state.
understand very well that not just "something" keeps me tied to this land grateful, smart, attractive and above all bloody.
my dear supporters, staying in Italy may be shorter than myself, I could predict.
remember: my own breach of Porta Pia in Rome that day, up to you! oh my people!
is my destiny to lead the people.
representation is not simply getting rid of the responsibility, as Rousseau argued. is much more: it is to enhanced strength, area of \u200b\u200bweakness, unconditional acceptance of the sovereignty of nickie4president.
is my destiny. "Nicole" who wins the People .

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Leather Mistress New York

zombie prom!

"Zombie Prom" is a musical not any.
is alternative theater, the musical is a young, bubbly, yet set in the enhanced use of irony in Australia ... is an experiment in itself ...
careless a review of a century romanticism never existed, a carefree laughter of the contemporary tendency to horror, which is a blasphemy to raise the dead, without fail to unite couples.
more than anything, is inspiration.
singing, dancing, comedy ... but some note of bitterness in the background. for those who want to read it.
yesterday was an evening without being introspective tragic, an evening that brings back most of the time without being able to smell the flavors.
and it's all behind me.
no one rose from the graves. but zombies sing and dance around me.
and everything's over, no need to be back.

Schools During The 1970s In Singapore

theory nickiecentrica

my dear supporters!
lazy, yet still tough enough to defend the democratic system or shreds of the dream that for many it still is, limited in number but with the knowledge that the number is strength without a win win, you have participated in my last survey on a test, after some time, your memories Nickie-geo-helio-centric universe- ... yes, the response has come and I am proud to acknowledge your commitment and dedicated efforts in the study discipline sovereign existence: nickiedisciplina.
and then, for those who still wavered in doubt, for the avoidance of doubt, once again: theory states that nickiecentrica nickie4president energy principle is: nothing is created, nothing is destroyed, but everything is transformed according to the design of nickie4president .
about it, I like to remember the importance of the energy principle in the understanding of natural phenomena and psycho-social.
the big question of the existence, in all too-familiar terms of "where we come from?" And "where are we going?" Finally found a solution in principle energy existence.
that there is energy, constantly changing, an eternal circle life, without beginning or end, beyond time and space, beyond the human concepts that make us more human than they actually need and less divine than they really are.
energy in constant motion is life ... and in the words of a great mind which was Oriana Fallaci "life never dies ...
we need to become familiar with this concept of eternity to make peace with ourselves, to take back our ... I play in imitation of God and man, we have lost sight of ourselves.
and then how about reminding us of our being divine?
a leader is someone who inspires feelings of greatness in their followers.
and once again there has ferried nickie4president, on the wings of a poll not credible yet meditated on the banks of the river of life, where everything happens. without origin and without end.

Thank You Tag Wording For Weddings

i know it ...

and I do not know why I thought I could make you happy, and I do not know why I thought that we could go together somewhere ...
and what about all that we wrote and said and done?
("I Know It" by Madonna)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Ciekawe Malarskie Uliczki


Hello everyone!

How many of you have noticed changes to the picture and IM messages of some board members of PDD and some aspirants, this week we have a little 'made fun of our IDOL (which really is a MYTH ENNIO ...: a man, why ...) making its grand irony on the strength and playing on the myriad of photos and stunning expressions unspeakable ... thus was born the PEG (p give E nnio in g iro), which was immediately contapposto by the president with the creation of the PDP (which means is still unknown) ... Everything is born from a brilliant idea sprung from a good weiss beer Schneider Monday night sitting at a brewery Pratello! After a week of "fucked up" increasing "(divided into 4 phases: Celebration, picture, song and revelation), we have solved the mystery to our hero (who recently was really curious ... and in response to our silence has started to ignore us) with a fantastic letter from members of the PEG which also marked the end of the peg itself and this morning, to remember the memorable evening and week lived between secrets and conspiracies to president, I wrote the hymn to PP ...


Long live the PP

the PP if you do not know what to do
and you like to invent

creates the PP
creates the PP

friends do not they say anything
and create puzzles for the mind

creates the PP
creates the PP

there you will find many people who
assomiglian all the principal '

(never enough) cheers the PP
(I'll never be enough) cheers the PP
(never enough) cheers the PP
(I'll never be enough) cheers the PP

are all cast of mind
those of the PEG and President

the PP is a strong PTO

here all together
we fucked up in joy

cheers the PP
the PP is great

We're not sure what to do and if
at 4 and we go all the mac strafogiam

(I never quite) long live PP
(I'll never enough) cheers PDD
(we will never be enough) cheers PDD PDD


We take this opportunity to congratulate Vale Yesterday is officially entered the PDD after a long and I must say at times disappointing hood (due to his being sober drinker or false, which is worse now ...), the newly acquired position of Executive Director of the Women so that we can listen the voice and needs of sex pseudo-weak (since entering the premises in most cases free or at greatly reduced price)!

the next! In

faith ... your Vice

Friday, November 14, 2008

Thank You Message For Helping

new poll!

sparkling my supporters!
nickie4president again invites you to voice your opinion and to participate in the 'latest survey "nickiecentrica theory states that" ...
after a few months after publication of this democratic, participatory, egalitarian seems appropriate to test your memories mathematical logic and of unquestioned loyalty to the cause nickie4president.
the poll as always clear: you have your four options, which clearly you have to elect one ... imagine how difficult it is for you all to include in a concept rather than synthetic, but I ask this effort, this compromise with yourself ...
have six days to participate in the survey, after which I will publish the results and as always there erudirĆ² with personal considerations.
in the meanwhile, I wish you a beautiful weekend!
nb = the survey is very bottom of the page, because I am considering the other two for me the best layout for your blog.

Boat Trailer Licence Onatrio

a step up ...

I remember when I thought under the table to keep the thoughts at bay ...
and then I can think to do on the living room carpet and beautiful buildings minute ...
and I remember when I sang a song on the wasp in the winter of Elisa, and I thought that I had never found a song that we put on with a brush so light ... ...
Ferdy and I and out of the gate of school ... and a heavy motion that passed ... and I returned home late that ...
paola and me and we were at sea to write on the stones ...
but Most of all I remember the evening on the outskirts of Tranent, the cold cuts and fragrances that enhance the potential happiness that has not had time to realize, yet they had time ...
and only half an attitude annoying but then you exaggerate everything ... and so you create the situations, nothing else would never happen ... but then it all inevitably ends in nothing, after a bit '...
and then you take all your pieces together, you have to try to keep everything, but not to reject the light ...

Online Lgbt Mmorpg Games

point (of no return)

was not for me ... and then I left ...
and I knew that I would be totally destroyed ... but still you did not know who I am ...
and then let us stop dreaming, to dream the dreams of others ...
let go of everything, it was not for me nor for you ...
certainly will not happen again, I will not let that happen again ... not going to happen ... nothing more nothing means nothing, nothing more ...
me and I will go before being returned to nature ...
and I left first to see everything change, while everything was changing ... and already I was no longer the same ...

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Port Royale 2 Installation Button

the circus (I)

"please, no schmaltz ... I'm so tired of crying and you thought I was a mermaid ... Give us something familiar, something similar to what we already know, something that makes us remain stable, stable, not to go anywhere ...
was a gray time where I wanted something stable, and really was not me ...
now smile again ... I seem to have back 16 years.
was again a day sun, I lived as I could only live it, I filled my interests, and how at that time there was room for someone else, but it was a default space, and there was no invasion and there would have been.
smile, and perhaps nothing of all: I have all my time, it's all back to me, there are no recriminations, no regrets, no remorse ... no time to everything that is not life ... and life, you know, is much more than this ...
and I came back happy, I came back to ask "what would happen if ...?", I came to ask me questions without fear the sad reality that only a wrong answer I was able to give ...
and I simply everything under control again ... everything is out of my control, because everything is out of my eye ...
are focused on me ... and I'm happy ...
we did not have the same feelings ... we are not always of one mind ... and at some point I gave up everything to get over myself ...

Friday, November 7, 2008

Audio Device For Thinkpad

without regretting the consequences ...

sometimes I look at something that I belongs, and I wonder what will be its end ... as I belong to that object, if you ever lose, if you destroy in a moment of distraction ...
yesterday I realized that my nature is inherently fatalistic ... I think what surrounds me like that already has a destiny, unreachable from certain points of view ...
as people seem to have an agency that goes beyond the mere fatalism ... and meanwhile the child returned to ask "what will become of them?"
sometimes do what I think looks more like a mental exercise, un'autopersuasione failed to stress once more floating in the theories ...
a dear friend of mine used to say "everything that happens is the best that can happen to you" ...
yesterday and I have a moment stop to think why I have not done anything serious, nothing to say that I'm never coming back, that nothing will ever be ...
some things never end, some say ... some things must end, but they need their own time, I say ...
and the time is not ripe yet ...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Headaches And Enlarged Pituitary Gland

Portrait of a Lady

I started something new ... but I guess it does not matter ... and I stopped with something old ... but probably does not matter ... but I saw Knight shift ... without a helmet, without arms, without eyes.
to those who happen to want something undefined, undefined because you do not have the courage to verbalize my thoughts, is indefinite because they want more of a mental exercise without becoming a training ground for life, because in everyday life is not indefinite can take shape without perlatro capture banality ...
there was a time not too long ago, when I told "I'm in my element ... without anyone had understood what I meant, without bothering to share that feeling the original ...
time to read a work by Henry James titled "Portrait of a Lady" ... to those who ask (often if not always) what the story is about, I do not know what to say ... do not is a story, or rather, not simply the story is only a pretext for lofty concepts that still need a human translation ... then I assume the indefinite form without acquiring trivia ...
"Portrait of a Lady" is the common thread of self, a not so clear that I neither overbearing, but determined to spontaneous and nothing else than the realization of his own nature. is a journey from America to Europe, a journey back is climbing the mountain, not to mention that after the peak of the descent is steep and unavoidable, is an insecure approach to the art world where there is no place unrequited feelings for ... is a statement of indipedente and embryonic potential, developed and abandoned when the sun goes down.
you can read this on unlimited levels, for different people in different states d'animo...

Monday, September 22, 2008

Watch South Park Streaming Eng

and start again from here!

"If you do not know what fareee or six down in the dumps, come in PDD PDD come in ... "

Hello from your

Summer is gone ... (For some 'really ...)

thank all those who participated in the trip "PDD Salentu-On-Tour"! You were great together and we enjoyed it a lot.

And now, here we are all here again in Bologna, to start a new year together with the loyalists and the new entries.

Sorry for the delay of this post, but the Pres and Vice have been engaged in urgent business PdDiani "of high competence, "and then the PDD is active as ever!

Soon we will keep you updated of new large group events.

A good luck to all for the new year from your Pres!

And remember:
"Enjoy yourself and study ... But Especially enjoy!"


Monday, July 7, 2008

Sample Of Invitation To Exhibition

Monte Donato Festival

Given the great success they have achieved, so short time, the "People of Fun" and its initiatives, it adds to honors PDD-ian adventures of a new event now now in its third act, which was born as an idea for a graduation party for two I'm sure that would be worthy of being part of the PDD (if you allow me, and vice pres), which are my good old cousin Anthony and Gianluca: The Monte Donato Festival!

So step to introduce the initiative: it is a party organized in a clearing near one of the hills of Bologna, Monte Donato precisely. The conduct of the event is among the classics, he begins to "zompettare" overnight, 22:00 , and go for the more daring, until dawn on Sunday, as the appointment is scheduled for Saturday, July 12 . Needless to say, the spirit in which we live this party is a cocktail of more traditional of good music and lots of fun in the company of good friends, and then one of those events from which the PDD can hardly be called out, given ingredients.

The only help that we ask you, in addition to your kind participation, a share of € 5 to cover expenses related to the gifts to be offered in honor of "God Bacchus" Music and infrastructure.

Here's an excerpt of an issue passed:

........... Enjoy Responsibly Monte Donato .......... :-) :-) :-)

For those who did not know how to get there:

flock, will not regret it !!!!!
For info:

Sunday, July 6, 2008

How Long Does Captin Morgan Last Un Opened



E 'your President speaking to you!

Saturday 28 was held at the Chalet Giardini Margherita, Bologna, the last (unfortunately), GymCUS holiday season, another social event which was attended by many PdDiani (including myself of course!) And other would-be.

The evening opened with a pre-event based tarallucci, wine and beer at the home of Vincent, along with Viscardo, Johnny (Deputy) and Marco (the "socio").

From there, all a bit ... ' freeeeschi, we headed to the bus stop that never came already beginning, in the meantime, to give a preview of the "chalet-show", a great cult show of the evening!.

Once traced, and the other part of the mob, we celebrated the birthday of our Visca toast together with "lightweight" Long-Island (thanks to Johnny that he wanted to point out to the bartender, "we were the PDD ")!!! Visca thanks on behalf of all alcohol for your contribution to the evening in style PDD!

The music, in my opinion, it was great, (but I do not know much prefer the house kind of fashion in recent years), but this has not prevented the unfolding of the "Chalet- Show "lasted until the closure of local people gave the show on the cube or close to other girls (ehm. ..), others a little 'tired of freshness, "yes" dozed off "on the sofas of the chalet, who when he got the bottle of champagne was ready to drink (ehm. ..), who sang hymns in different company (ahem), etc etc. ....

now give the floor to my Vice AJ.

... I can say ...

The evening was held in style PDD from many points of view ... The President, as always, stood out for his talents that women dancers, incredulous, they appreciated during the course of the evening ... Thanks to Enzo is late is late "and body for the alcohol contribution to the evening! We may add that now is a full member Visca TITLE for having contributed in various ways to the evening ... and with honors for having supported the clause of entry "to our group (of which the deputy gave a good example during the Twenty PARTY )!

A special thanks goes to Serge for giving us the opportunity to celebrate once again for bringing us all together and have fun creating and offering a hand in organizing the various parties that signed GymCUS 2007-2008 took place in this ... We hope that next year there are many opportunities for entertainment in style GymCUS and / or PDD! Now we are preparing all summer wanting to have fun with PDD!

PDD FORCE! We continue like this!

And remember:

" Enjoy yourselves and study ...

But Especially ... enjoy! "

Ennius President

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Buy Iron Filings Menards

Chalet-PDD 80 PDD want to ...

Dear and members and would-be!

Some might think that the PDD has failed to fulfill its commitments, participating less events of public life ... The President is here to refute categorically this and any other possible similar conjecture.
Although some have to admit that this is a difficult time for many, given the substantial commitments study, work or other reasons that mark the daily lives of each of us.

But loyalists never give up!

And the witnesses to the event "80 feel like 80" on Monday 23 June, the center blade.

report the incident in brief:
" ANDREA Barbie presents" 80 feel like 80 "STAR RADIO
by the square of the shopping center of Bologna LAME, an unmissable gig
" 80 DESIRE 80 "manufactured by STAR RADIO.
On stage: Alberto Tadini (UFO Robot Grendizer, Captain Harlock), GAZEBO,
SANDY MARTON, Righeira and Alberto Camerini.


thank Johnny (a faithful!), And the newly aspiring members Francis and his friend"
(sorry but I do not remember your name), he fully supported the initiative for presidential! ! : D

Your President Ennius

... and here is a small personal tribute to our President ... a song that resonated in my head for days after this evening ... here is a song 80 years (which is also known for shooting from our youth and mixed-techno dance version in a few summers ago ...)

... Long live the PDD and 80's disco!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

El Hombres De Paco Watch Online

PAGE: Bad weather halts the PDD .....?!?!?! But no!

BOLOGNA - The bad weather that is coming down in recent days in the capital of Emilia-Romagna, with strong and sudden thunderstorms, is creating unease within the student community in Bologna. Among the various initiatives jump due to bad weather, there has been a fantastic festival 80-90 years, in which the members wanted to attend the DCI to continue his campaign social . Because of impassable roads that have prevented many members of the PDD to reach the place where the festival was not possible to contribute to this event, and with great bitterness of the leader, the PDD has been stopped, despite the commitment to the Executive Director Saimon in enabling the participation in the event world ...

But in our beloved party has not been knocked down and killed by careless mood of gloomy weather, and picking up his last strength and creative capacity, has proposed an initiative to save the outcome of the evening and weekend, re-signing with the PDD mark (or as would the alfredo freeeeesco the PDA, the people of alcoholics ...). The brilliant mind of our president has produced the idea of \u200b\u200borganizing an evening PIZZA, BEER AND KARAOKE , processed by the vice (favoring its trends ...) in NIGHT PIZZA, BEER, VODKA, RUM AND KARAOKE !
As always, we had a great time together and we spent a nice evening all together (in the company of fanastica pills Becker's beer, rum and peach vodka and melon ...)!!! Thanks to all those who participated in this event PDD and those who were present with your heart (but not physically force majeure ...)!!! In any case

Hello e. .. PDD signed at the next social event!

Your Vice ... AJ

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Most Common Lotto Pick Three

Long weekend of PDD! TWENTY-

GREAT LONG WEEKEND full of PDD! A huge thank you to Sabrina for having participated in various ways to the weekend ... and thanks to his friends for the evening around the etanolizzato GymCUS holiday villa in Blackthorn ... Let me give a brief summary of events that, despite the alcohol content well above limit under the law, I remember very well!

Thursday ... Despite the rain, some members of PDD and would get together to celebrate the birthday of the roommate Sabri ... and thanks to the many joyful and to 30 l Sanga present plus wine , beer, vodka and rum ... well we all pretty well fortified ... When the president, Rainmaker, what we have achieved giĆ² freeeeschi and got all the euphoria I "destroyed enough" ... what the bike that has cost dear to the mood of the president the next day ...

Friday ... MITICA GymCUS FESTIVAL in the beautiful Villa SLOES ... unfortunately ... THANKS to the driver of the penultimate "MINIVAN GymCUS" for bringing us all home ... a little 'to the greedy intruders (who looked like the masons for the etiquette raised for the occasion), we have not eaten much and Wine Unlimited has made me feel ... so much so that almost half the girls were worried festivity to us kids, all joined in the general euphoria ... In any case, despite everything, she felt the absence of the president ... who had a mood to compromise too many "events adverse "to dedicate himself to a party PDD Anyway ... THANK YOU to all participants but especially to Sergio GymCUS and making it possible for a party as well!

Saturday ... not happy birthday Thursday, Sabri invited us to another birthday party (with a circle of friends Germany) where he greeted the new arrivals with a drink of rum & pear drunk after all shouted together, "FIESTA !!!!" ... One can imagine that after 4-5 new invitees the alcohol was already considerable ... Anyway after all this proactive support and organizational and after accompanying us at these social events PDD, may appoint RIGHT CLAUDIA AND AFFILIATED PDD SABRINA!!

Sunday ... a seemingly quiet evening ... if it were not for the Executive Director was trying to convince me to run a poker alcohol ... which "pure morality" ... I resistive

Anyway GREAT LONG WEEKEND ... already the envy of anyone ... and I hope that commitments permitting, you can repeat sooner or later, perhaps with a good poker! Anyway Thank you all for having proposed and / or participation in this event and for taking me in EUFOR and the laughter of these evenings!

Your trusty vice


Monday, May 26, 2008

Patch Port Royale 2 1.1

POST PARTY: Following the first worthy!

Dear members and applicants!

It 's the President speaking to you!

As previously announced, was held, among thousands of Organizational and "climatic uncertainty", for one week on from the ' Vent ONE! Party , the " Vent ONE! Post-Party .

What should have been a simple drink containing alcohol outdoors from the Twenty-left party, has turned into an impromptu party, say, the previous event has completed ... in every sense! ! : D

We started ... from 21 onwards, a thousand adventures and the night ended around 2.30. Followed by a stroll downtown and then a "stop" in Piazza S. Stefano.

Among the memorable events to remember I can not mention the three rounds of B52 to the flame, with overture-style "College Bar": D: D:-D Great Johnny! -

This has for some resulted in the deterioration of cognitive skills and therefore, the progressive "sunset fog" ... : P

Ordunque begin with thanks.

thank all those who participated in the " Vent ONE! Post-Party .

Special thanks I owe it to Johnny-Vice-President for strong contribution and those that I have "supported" (including Johnny of course), both figuratively and literally at that! (End of the party) .

: D: D: D

The animated image that opens this post, symbolizes the progress of the events of Saturday 24 and my concern was made especially for the occasion. ;)

(ONLY BLOGGER WHO DOES NOT SEE ME THE ANIMATED-> So much effort for nothing ... I'll try again anyway)

Regards from Your President!

"Enjoy Yourself and Study!

... But Especially Enjoy"

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Calories In Chow Mein Takeaway In Ireland

TWENTY ONE PARTY ... tribute to our President! W Ennius

The brilliant mind of Mythical Ennius has designed a spectacular celebration in honor of his birthday and the 20 year old white Fiat Uno (Car idol from our elected president ...) ... result has been the TWENTY PARTY , a fantastic party alcohol-based and "beautiful people" set in a meticulously transformed local for the occasion in the 80's disco-pub dj-set designer from our Ennius (mythical a second time for this ...)! Well the party was a success! This is resulted from the feedback of the public and even thought a sequel ... Anyway when I was apparently the 'attraction of the evening, I gave once again proudly show during the party and the day after everyone has asked me ... but yes to know if everyone knows that Johnny was back together! Anyway, I was elected for the occasion, Vice-president of the PDD (People's Fun, newly formed party, which I conceived and founded and chaired undisputed Ennius) and clothe honor with my office in view of upcoming events mundane! !

Anyway THANKS TO ALL THAT PARTICIPATED IN THE DAY (and also giving me "a look" when you need it), but mainly due to mitico-ennius for organizing the GREAT PARTY SATURDAY NIGHT !

Now I do by ... and leave room for your comments about the evening and our president ...

taken from ... TWENTY ONE PARTY ... tribute to our President! W Ennius (

Windows 7 Presario V6000

Ennio 4 president! WELCOME TO ALL

all now know the outcome of recent elections ... but all this is due to the fact that few people believed in and voted our idol! Although the election campaign full of social events, including the respectable evening at Falmengo which outlines the goals of our leader and the party at Matis club's final election campaign, our hero has not distinguished between the candidates ...

student elections at least now we hope that young people vote this man ...


Vote all then Ennius our candidate and you will see that PDD " there will be more fun for everyone! "... And remember the motto of our leaders is" have fun and study ... but above all fun! "

taken from Ennius 4 president! (

Gay Tattoo On Genital

community Bolognese fun sponzorizzato by GymCUS!

It all started like this ... Ideon originated from a spring to my gray matter after the week of February in destructive which I have participated and Ennio the celebration of Mardi Gras, the festival unforgettable Erasmus to Kinki (with the companionship of a Long Island and a ghost strawberry) and the carnival at Flamengo signed GymCUS ... After that week to lots of social events, has been forever changed the view of this man who at first was simply "Ennio" but now my eyes can not be that ...
