Monday, February 28, 2011

Hedge Fund Seed Capital 2010

The Free Press

In Italy, you know, freedom of the press is in constant danger, as we are immersed in a system that controls all media, only to be regularly abused by almost every day .
Oddities of belpaese, but where the freedom of journalists to publish anything and everything, even if the material is made available illegally, is a serious matter, strenuously defended by category to the sound of squares filled.

happens, however, that the freedom some individuals, or at least it seems strangely more protected the freedom of others.
E 'news last weekend that journalists Lino Jannuzzi (former elected Forza Italy) and Sergio De Gregorio (now Senator of the PDL), respectively director and reporter Giornale di Napoli years 80 were sentenced to a reimbursement of € 150.000 (which, with 20 years of interest, become 280,000) for having written that the investigating judge of the case Tortora did not work particularly well.

The case Tortora was a textbook example of Justice show: well-known TV personality then, Tortora was arrested in 1983 on the initiative of the Public Prosecutor of Naples on charges of drug trafficking. Defined damning accusation unsubstantiated and the finger pointing of many regretted particularly infamous Camorra and therefore "worthy" of the utmost consideration.

Tortora he served seven months in prison, and was later detained under house arrest. He was sentenced in first instance to more than 10 years' imprisonment until it turned out that the "proof Queen", the presence of his name nell'agendina a racketeer, he felt only the lightness of which had held that: The address book was not the Camorra, but the woman who attended, and the name written in it was not even Tortora, but Tortona.
Tortora was finally exonerated and acquitted on appeal in cassation court after 4 years of hell. He returned to his freedom and even on TV, but died the following year.

The conclusion of the case led to Tortora referendum to establish the civil liability of magistrates . An avalanche of "You " rendered useless by a paragraph of the Law Vassalli (it was discussed here).

Today, for the first time someone pays for the case Tortora, not a judge, not a prosecutor, but two journalists guilty, for various reasons, have pointed the finger to indicate that anyone with open eyes could see for myself.
not find a line on this matter of sifting through sites giornaloni at the forefront in the fight for press freedom and against the gag law. From La Repubblica Corriere all is silent.

Press Freedom Defence said to the sound of squares filled. But only for those who write things "right." For the other squares are empty, if the Cavino alone.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Lacunar Infarct Right Thalamus

fixed target

Yesterday Annozero dealt with the theme of the day: burning Libya.
opportunity Resuming in the early evening offered by public television should not miss.
The transmission is initiated as per schedule at 21:05. At 21:20 we had scarce understood: we have it all wrong. For days we filled their heads with matters totally irrelevant, the truth and have it explained Santoro in less than a quarter of an hour everything has been clear: the real problem of Libya has a name and a surname: Muammar Gaddafi? No, Silvio Berlusconi .

The procedure is simple: go in front of the embassy, \u200b\u200bnear the Libyan rightly protest that transplanted the massacres that are taking place in his country, make him a question about Berlusconi and, if it suits the sound of " shame! ", stick it in the service and then everything fades to a suitable background music" of Guzzantiana memory. The icing Montacute below a beautiful chorus " murderess! murderess! "(addressed to Gaddafi, but just do not tell) and the effect is guaranteed, you can play on for the entire episode.

Berlusconi is a villain because he is the sole responsibility of the signing of friendship treaty with Libya. No matter that the ratification was a bipartisan measure that has finalizing the work of previous governments, even in a different color. And we do not even care that the Senate has passed with 232 votes in favor, 22 against and 12 abstentions in the House and with 413 votes in favor, 63 against and 36 abstentions. It 's a dance that sounds too good to pass up.

Berlusconi is a bitch because she bought and still buys oil and gas by the dictator. Too bad the same thing they did all the rulers of Western Europe for 40 years now. Better not say it ruins the atmosphere.

Berlusconi is complicit in the carnage because It took hours to even strongly condemn what was happening on the streets of Tripoli, this is the heart of the discourse.

past few minutes an envoy from Washington La Repubblica, one of those who have America in his pocket, knowing how the world works and you always like to explain it falls down ' high external connection and tells us that the seeds of the riots in the Middle East antiregime Obama has planted with his speech in Cairo two years ago.
The same Obama who has spent more than 48 hours abundant Berlusconi to open his mouth about the massacres and the Libyans did it with a soft tone that can not be softer, but this seems bad to criticize and even some provincial: he had a good reason, can not you understand? him to said White House spokesman Jay Carney : Obama was cautious for fear of retaliation against American citizens in Libya .
Question: Is he the same reason that we are also preferred not to yell into the megaphone to the murderer? Never mind, we do not care to understand, just shoot the enemy, Obama is Obama but if it does the Cayman is a crap regardless.

Back in Libya yesterday of journalists, among them the anxiety and sent Courier were blocked by pro-Gaddafi militiamen on the road to Tripoli and in the news it was the Italians, were slapped and kicked. What is "blame" for the position of our government against the crackdown by the regime of Rais? Possible.

Let's face it, to all of us would like to hear hard and sharp words of condemnation from our government already after the first few clashes last week, but we make a game, imagine what would have happened if he had shouted into the microphones Berlusconi giving Gadhafi to Assassin and if the Italians in Tripoli and its work there, and in the early hours of the revolt were still all in Libya, had been targeted for reprisals by the militants and mercenaries in the pay of the Rais, who at this moment burst into the homes of civilians by firing at random on who are behind the door, and that a week ago had still in full control of the territory.
Imagine the scene: it seems to see them and hear them, the Giovanni Floris, the Massimo Giannini, the Ezio Mauro of the situation, look up at the sky and shaking the finger of blame " A Prime Minister does not do this, shame! used measure is prudent, you can not act with this lightly! . And last night there was a need for creative editing to yell at someone " murderess! "at the Premier.

So, as you move you lightning and we are talking about Ruby or Gaddafi the target is always the same , movable or immovable that is. Obsessive occurred.
When Berlusconi will retire to private life will be a sad day for these guys, we just vote for someone else, they must find another reason to live. Greetings.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Why Is My Refrigerator Compressor Is Making Noise

fundamentalist threat

" I think it's a matter of days, not more '." The former representative of Libya from the Arab League, Abdel Moneim al-Honi no doubt, the fate of the Libyan regime is marked .

And besides, when a dictator in order to set fire to oil wells means that probably is aware of being on the ropes. The tone of the incoherent speech Tuesday night looks like a tyrant with nothing to lose and therefore dangerous, but came to the last gasp, could eventually committed suicide in his bunker, like other "illustrious" ancestors.
In these hours are increasing reports of cities or entire regions of the Libyan territory subject to the scrutiny of the scheme and there are even signs of loosening of the army: the desertions are not counted, many officials are now openly common cause with the rioters and this is usually a prelude to a rapid fall of the dictator of the moment.

There However, a complication from what we saw happen in Egypt in Libya 's army has no clear guidance in any case it is a body ill-equipped and poorly trained . It is no secret that Gaddafi has never wanted a strong army, just to stave off the threat of a military coup and it is no coincidence that in its most difficult hour, the dictator has been given to Bedouin mercenaries and militia recruited from around Africa, more than its military.
why a turnaround of large sections of the armed forces may not be sufficient to lead to a rapid and above all clear.

The risk is not only a civil war that lasted for days or weeks (difficult, however, think that it can take longer due to the rapid evolution of events), but also that of a Libya that, in various areas, power groups say is patchy, related to various tribal affiliations and the strong likelihood of infiltration by groups close to Al Qaeda , already moving on the ground, ready to put their flag on the sacrifice of thousands of people.

This blog has been told two days ago: The West not sleep, so that others will not.
The confirmation that the east of the country is establishing an Islamic emirate -led al-Qaeda is a signal of the need not waste any time. This crisis must be "addressed" as soon as possible with aid specific forces that are pushing for a democratic outlet for guaranteeing freedom of the Libyan people, or we risk finding ourselves a fundamentalist state that overlooks the Mediterranean.

Europe dithers as usual and the U.S. President Obama has been silent until a few hours ago. Signals not just exciting. There
just hope that in the nerve center of the West we realize what is at stake: the fall of Gaddafi is an opportunity, but could not take it turn it into a defeat, and potentially a threat.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Supply And Fit Cigarette Lighter In Car

Art dell'Arrangiatevi

" A country of 60 million people can not have a problem to deal with a few thousand migrants . With these words, European diplomatic sources have said the idea of \u200b\u200ba distribution among the EU countries of migrants arriving from North Africa, advanced yesterday afternoon. So
solidarity than they want, but are your affairs, with the sop of a vague promise of "human material and financial resources " unspecified for the crisis.

So we are on the usual, Europe of the sermons, when it comes down to it, washes his hands and let the hot potato to the unfortunates who if found between the hands is not our competence. Too right.

In all this, with the prospect, we hope to pessimistic, a migration of 200-300 thousand people, our opposition is not even dream of uniting its voice to that government to ask the EU and other member states share of what promises to be effective as an explosive issue, preferring very useful to focus on the usual domestic controversy this time focusing on any particular movie archive that portrays Berlusconi and Gaddafi, proposing fundamental unilateral revision of the Treaty with Libya that certainly in these hours will make the difference to prevent further violence in the streets and squares of Tripoli, as well as to secure the Italians in Libya and to stem the expected flood of refugees and fugitives.

The problem is that these gentlemen for the Maghreb we've got it at home, including dictator, and not by chance any issue of substance takes a back seat in front of the absolute necessity of killing the tyrant.
"The future of the Knight remains far down [....] The immediate prospect is that hundreds of thousands of refugees arriving on Italian shores. In the medium term but the danger (Berlusconi) is that the fire from spreading in the Mediterranean here, "his debut days ago Peter Gomez on" Daily Done. "
Italy such as Egypt. Italy such as Libya. The next step will be to assimilate the people violate the demonstrators in Cairo and Tripoli.
The risk is that someone will believe it and act accordingly.

Meanwhile, if we are overrun by refugees, we must get away from only: arrangiatevi. Business as usual.

Communication Service: The eyewitness, also broadcast on television, many returnees from Tripoli and several others found on the web (the last in order of time and here here) give a very different picture from that reported the newspapers. While nell'innegabile drama of a violent crackdown on the situation in the Libyan capital seems to be more calm as you describe, at least for those who do not participate in the demonstrations, not a small thing for those who in Italy is waiting for news about their relatives . Rely on information that verifies the information before you shoot, always aiming to nine columns and strong only in shades would not give a penny.
But the idea of \u200b\u200ba responsible press is a mirage, like that of a Europe that helped.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Is 24 Too Old To Start Going To Gym

The West does not sleep

After those Ben Ali Mubarak and also ultraquarantennale power Gaddafi seems to have come to an end.
course the regime is not willing to sell the cheap leather and news of the clashes yesterday we confirm this.
In the stories of the many movements of revolt that are burning in the Middle East in 2011 that they had never seen air raids on protesters: the reaction of a mad dictator, now at war against his people (that European governments, including ours, should not have been slow to condemn without ifs or buts) that there is a measure of the will of a violent crackdown on a bloody and certainly did not glimpse the prospect a peaceful transition.

But now it seems the road follows: when a regime is monolithic and without cracks, as was the Libyan distinctions begin to emerge and taken away, even with a high level, it means that the dictator days are numbered.
and defections of ministers and senior diplomats around the world are certainly not lacking in the past 24 hours.
Then when an imam who preaches regularly at 40 million viewers end up saying that "c hiunque Libyan army is capable of firing a bullet to Gaddafi should do it" means that the buck has reached terminal.
The power of Gaddafi will procrastinate until his fall will be able to control the army, but if the soldiers will join the rioters (and already reported the first appeals to Libyan officials to do so) the acceleration will happen to those conclusions. Not only holds a country with militias and mercenaries.

The fall of a dictatorship is always good news and one can only hope that this result does not require other charges by the protesters with blood and anguish of family members of such foreign personnel (including Italian) which resides in those countries, but we would be naive if we illudessimo that what is happening in North Africa is necessarily a prelude to enlargement of the boundaries of democracy in the world, as did those who have likened the collapse of Middle Eastern regimes to which Today we are witnessing the collapse of the Soviet Union's satellite states occurred in the late '80s.

Today we are in 1989 and North Africa is not Eastern Europe. The domino effect may be recalled that the events took place "behind the Iron Curtain" 20 years ago, but the similarities stop there. It 's all to prove that struck countries of the revolutions of these weeks, the transition could lead to a Western-style democracy, as it did then.
It 's the background to be different: religious freedom, freedom of speech and dissent, equality among ethnic groups and even between the sexes are values \u200b\u200band points of reference in those contexts will have to work hard to assert itself, as well as respect for the mechanisms of the democratic process without authoritarian temptation of shortcuts based on force. For now, where dictatorships have already fallen as in Tunisia and Egypt, the signals are shy.

The West needs to know which side they are even if he can not interfere militarily with the motions of the square, and a minute after the fall of regimes should seek to carve out a diplomatic role that is not just that of a spectator. It's not about imperialism, but the need to help these people to guide the transition of their governments toward solutions that protect individual freedoms.
The transition from one dictatorship to another (or even military-style Islamic cleric) certainly does not justify the price in blood that is paid at this time.

Already, in the eastern part of Libya, hear of establishing an Islamic Emirate under the direct control of extremists close to Al Qaeda. The West does not sleep, so that others will not.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Shannon Whirry Y Su Streaptease

The Justice Reform is the mother of all reforms, I think in many.
And not because someone is convinced that the separation of careers, or the reform of the CSM, is a relish that you can feed the people, but because anyone who does not cover the eyes with La Repubblica sees very well the perpetual conflict with the law prevents the policy, not only to the right, to have the power to set the job incisive and long-term need to give the country the economic and social responses that can really make a difference in the everyday life of ordinary people.

justice reform should be done and should be done immediately , because the clock of the term is two years ahead and pass quickly.

Two days ago Berlusconi has raised " resubmit all justice reforms in the coming days convene an extraordinary Council of Ministers. We will also hand in the Constitutional Court, remove read only right now .
not only separation of careers, and therefore separation of the CSM, but also far-reaching reform of the Consulta, its composition and its functioning " will need 2 / 3 of the members to repeal the laws so as to avoid a repetition of the situation today, when Parliament debates a law, approves it and if you do not like the judges left the contest in front of the Consulta, being composed predominantly of judges come from the left, the repealing .

All right, but also serves pragmatism and defects should not blind us to the historical memory.
Unless there are the 2 / 3 of the votes in the classroom (and there will be) a reform is not safe when passing in parliament, the seal has to put the referendum , a land on which very easy to get upside down.
remember what happened less than 5 years ago and try not to repeat the same mistakes: the constitutional reform approved by the then revolted 2001-2006 Degree Course in the legislature as a sock, the law of the state: to strengthen the powers of the Prime Minister introducing the direct election; posed remedy, thanks to devolution, the chaos of conflicts of jurisdiction between regions and was introduced by the center with the ill-fated reform of Title V, reduced the number of bicameral parliament and abolished the perfect introduction to the Senate of the Regions.

All things that, if explained well and without digesting the right time, people, at least one of the center, would have understood and shared.
How did it end all we remember: the people who just a couple of months earlier had given the CdL almost 50% of the vote en masse rejected the reform proposal.

Whose fault? The center of course, that brought out a campaign of huge bales, with the usual catastrophic tones, announcing from the rooftops that if he won the "Yes" Italy would be more or less over the next day. But we expect this time too, if we want a final must be the center to play the game differently .

What to do? To begin with we avoid too large and complex interventions, reform what really has to be reformed urgently, speaking on the separation of careers (and wiretapping, which do not require revisions to the Charter) and leave the rest to those who come after.
Reform to be confirmed by the vote must be understood and this assumes that moves up few guidelines, clear and well defined . Why, when people do not understand, always chooses the way of preserving what exists rather than the leap in the dark.

Building informed consent about the reform of public opinion is as important as the numbers look for them approved by Rooms. This must be quite clear to most if not we revise the replication of the film aired in the summer of five years ago. If this project will be closed in the halls of Parliament, and not "pass" even in the squares, streets and homes, we will meet soon to your starting point.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Derby Silver Co Candelabra


has already spent a week passed since my last weekend in Rome, the occasion of the visit is related to the special visit, proposal of the center for social and cultural among employees of the Bank of Italy, to Courthouse, headquarters of the Supreme Court .

Given that the site is closed to visits was it possible to remain indifferent to such a proposal ? Never!

It is my intention to reflect on the symbolic meaning of the experience and show that in times of cultural backwardness and moral decay, combined with a widespread sense of helplessness, something you can do on a transformation ameliorative. To this end, I wonder in an attempt to clarify and thus get to identify the factor capable of transforming an expression tourism - culture in a true elixir.

  • What is and what it represents to me is justice?
  • How do I live the continual attacks on the judiciary and fronts?
  • How do you feel emotionally and how I react?
  • What is the pressing need to feel like?
  • How can I solve the problem underlying the need?

Justice to me is the ideal to which it is linked to ethical values, and as such, focused on research of what is good for a man, what is right to do or not do, involving the private sphere and the social. It is at the same time, expectations and condition without which there can be no prosperity.

is no doubt that the question of justice in Italy has entered into everyday life and political debate, both because of illegal behavior, rule considered the most cunning, both because of the attacks on the judiciary . While s'invocano laws and reforms increases the distance between the common man by law and who administers justice. In general, I detect a confusion of roles between the powers of the State whose result can only be unhealthy, harmful .

I like it, always, to interpret the symbols that evoke a suggestive relationship between concrete objects and mental images. It is a pleasure that other people, for example artists, is well known achieving significant results.

It also makers of the palace to which my attention is directed resorted to the evocative power of symbols, in their idea, in fact, " the palace was supposed to represent the advent of the new order that would replace the previous unit and unjust papal order " . They chose an area like that of Prati di Castello in its entirety and modified features of the river landscape in which stood the great complex of San Pietro, the Vatican and Castel Sant 'Angelo.

Since they were found to offset any pressure on Pope Pius IX, conducted since the proclamation of the Kingdom, why leave your own time domain, the ' architect Calderini, designed and built the Palace of Justice, decided to orient the main facade to the water the blond Tiber and into symbols of papal power, the policy focuses on a large triumphal arch that forms the front door. Overcome the door by a group of sculptures of Justice which is depicted seated and surrounded by the figures, allegorical, and the Force of Law.

the complexity of the function corresponds to a multiplicity of spaces and elements architettonic whose arrangement creates the atmosphere full of charm. No coincidence that the charming building was chosen by Orson Welles as a location for his film The process, based on the novel of Kafka.

Adherence to the proposed visit is, therefore, the response to the need to find reassurance in a very hot topic, warned by many and often in different terms if they do not conflict.

Under this reasoning have come to understand that the metaphor of the journey is more appropriate than ever: with my experience down to Rome, I started learning at the conclusion of which I found different, enriched and reassured.


The documentation of the visit is entrusted to photographs of his friend Pierre while drawing up the post I used the following sources:

Friday, February 18, 2011

Secondary School Life In Singapore 1970s To 1980s

Reform Possible Future Rosy for President and Ambiguity

maldipancia's party, so you could rename the FLI. But now no longer speaks only of intellectuals who raise their voices grumbling or post conference. What we are witnessing in these hours is a real landslide parliamentary groups.
And for a party that exists only in the palaces, which has never taken a vote or had not yet submitted to any election, losing parliamentary not a little grit.

" would be really useless to deny the obvious: the Future project and Liberty live a difficult time going through the phase when the most negative, with the manifestation of Mirabello, has taken the first steps "he admitted Gianfranco Fini this morning by the columns of" the Century. "
The identification of the culprit is quickly made: President the House attaches to the diaspora futurist " many weapons seductive enjoyed by those who govern" and in particular to his " financial and media power that it is prudent not directly opposing .

MPs who leave the shores Finian do so because they are yielding to the lure of economic power which Berlusconi can not say no: the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.
not bat an eyelid, a pity that all elected representatives now sit on the benches of FLI and allow the party of Fini to have a parliamentary group in the House and (even for just) one in the Senate are there because they did six months ago the opposite direction, and that economic power has been disconnected irresistibly attractive, recently arrived at a nice bang in the face with an open vote no confidence in both houses of parliament.

analysis of acquittal Fini car pretends not to see that his movement does not suffer any cannibalization, it is only by returning to its natural size. If for some months FLI appeared to have a future by party and not only by small parties was due to the vagueness and ambiguity of its offer policy, which has allowed to attract people with stories and objectives are very different, presenting itself as the movement of holy war antiberlusconiana and at the same time as the third leg of the majority first and then as a force for reform of the center. A kind of magic mirror in which everyone saw reflected their own image.

But some misunderstandings are short-lived, can not be a political one thing and its opposite. When, from Bastia Umbra on, the mask has fallen two sides came into the open the features of a party where the hawks and doves dictate the route numbers are, a movement rancorous, with conviction and ready antigovernment to make a pact with the devil just to bring down Berlusconi. Who was a stranger to this line has got to be a thousand miles away from the promised land and started looking around wondering if there was a train, a bus or a donkey to go back.

Why you can not tell you to center and wink at Vendola , you can not tell you bipolar and found the third pole of the bipolar confrontation with those who want to bury him, you can not vote on university reform and on the roof, you can not tell you ride the mud and guaranteed media processes, you can not talk about liberal values \u200b\u200band use the tones and accents Di Pietro.

Dear Fini, the breakdown of your party is not about the attractiveness of an economic power that can not be opposed. On the contrary, opposing that power in Italy is the quickest shortcut to gain visibility, lighting, microphones, and good press.
The point is another: FLI appears today for what it is, and therefore can not attract more based on what it claims to be, although it had. Finian's why lose pieces, and will continue to do so. The latter continue to haemorrhage antiberlusconiani regardless, proud and proud of it, as in parliament to the streets. Just do not call right .

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Can Drinking Alcohol Delay The M

" We then a coalition of democratic emergency." Thus spoke Nichi Vendola, governor of Puglia in the national tour of permanent, long sniff the identity crisis of the Democratic Party, trying to dictate the line.
batching should include, incidentally, even that FLI that just the day before yesterday, to the mouth of its leader, had reiterated to have a policy " unequivocal: Fli wants to reestablish the center . Apparently the message did not arrive loud and clear.

Grand Coalition, therefore, to address the fundamental things, which are summarized in the vision of Vendola in: " electoral law, good law on conflict of interest and information system " those things known in Italian families discuss around the dinner table.
This is the left of the sermons to those who should not address the real issues the country. The government action is another thing, is conditioned by a thousand contingencies of the moment, but in statements of intent a bit 'of good will could at least pretend to have it.

Vendola But it does not stop here and already in his pocket the name of the leader: " Rosy Bindi. A woman who represents the reaction to one of the most painful of cultural decline, plays a key institutional role as the vice-chairman of the House, has the right profile to drive a rapid transition to normalcy . Full-blown investiture.

Imagine for a moment that goes hand in hand Vendola Bersani, Di Pietro Fini and to pay homage to Rosy Bindi just settled with the insignia Premier at Palazzo Chigi with Casini waiting outside that someone close to the keys under the door.

is what is ready to cook and put on the table for us Italian politics if this government and this majority end up falling under the court now daily shelling.
who is said to center you think about it, before following beyond certain pied pipers, having regard to the road on which it is moving along.
" Trap Colombe " said the other day, someone is starting to notice.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Pecancolored Hardwood Floors

clear evidence

Raise your hand if he was surprised that the investigating magistrate in Milan have embraced commas line up to the prosecution to Premier setting an appointment with the bar in less than two months .
"There is clear evidence " said Boccassini since day one.
"There is clear evidence " insisted yesterday the investigating judge, giving the ritual immediately.

At this point, ironically, is almost to be hoped that in the cards yet undisclosed there really is something big, or even explosive, because if we are to what everyone willy-nilly, foaming at the mouth or the nose tured, we read the famous 600 and switching pages which the attorney has graciously paid tribute to the press, with the kind intercession of the Chamber of Deputies, the evidence is not even to look with the lantern.

Of course we remain perplexed when we read that the investigating judge has identified the victim as for the crime of child prostitution , a girl who just does not feel affected at all (to the point of Berlusconi compared to Caritas), but has repeatedly said to the four winds that he had never granted money in the Villa San Martino.
For the crime of extortion on an extorted that at present denies being extorted, the aggrieved party is directly intended to Ministry of the Interior, so we are assured of having put in all kinds ushers, to rubber-stamping all the way up to the Minister in person.

How long is serious in all this will tell the process, knowing however that under the magnifying glass there will be only the privacy of the accused, including the Italian judiciary will play what remains of its credibility and will do monovision. There will be all: by the New York Times to Poughkeepsie Journal, the Washington Post to Daily Beast, the halls of the Palace of Justice in Milan will have a media coverage worthy of the presidential inauguration, stuff in Italy has not been seen since the days of Spatuzza Day, which was a success, but not critical. A show that the country would do well to spare.

Another hole in the water and the only evidence that remains on the table will be that of an activist judiciary in the common citizen, at least one that does not eat bread and hardship, can not always trust that less.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Making Muffins Using Pancake Mix

Trap Colombe

" Every time you make a plan is a person who can be happy and unhappy, at other times there would be mediation, the mess. Fini has understood the mistakes of the past. Then he chose me, and others are less happy, this is natural . Falcon in falconry, Fini appointment Mouthpiece FLI vice president or party leader Gianfranco while enjoying the spectacle of the Chamber of Deputies from the highest bench.

the doves And once again you just have to settle for the crumbs, "the or confusion is due to the substance and method of the choices made by Fini. His choices have led to imbalance in terms of internal relations and more equivocal in terms of policy "said Viespoli .
Actually misunderstandings seem to be the only ones have fallen on MPs who have joined FLI planning to create a moderate party, created to enrich the debate in the center and influence the reform agenda in key when from the beginning, especially from Bastia Umbra on, it became clear that the aim of its leaders was to put the current structure of government to the sword and then be crowned on its ruins are still hot, even at cost unlikely to choose mates of siege.

Oh yes because it was against the "abusive center "Led by Berlusconi, as he recalled Briguglio Rho Saturday:" There are no alliances cursed. "
Other than staying anchored to the center and the EPP, the winks are made in all directions along a stretch of road is not denied to anyone.

beware doves, if you do not fly in time could well be encased in a beautiful aviary in the parking lot a bowling club. And from there, to find their way home, will serve more of a sense of orientation of a migratory bird.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Shower Door Parts Las Vegas

Factor "C"

the left of the Roman palaces, and not only tried to make them fit on the head all the way to us illiterate institutional and constitutional: if the President sees the possibility that there is a majority in parliament can only work for the continuation of the legislature.
This justification, formally impeccable, did pass by, over the years, thanks to which reversals and drop have seen the light of government supported by majorities GMOs of any kind. We
to get angry and shout to the coup, they tell us to reread the Constitution and the history of the Republic: But as early dissolution of the rooms? The Head of State could not do otherwise.

And the script at the end of last year seemed the same, with the usual suspects ready to stake everything on the formation of an alternative majority in parliament that would allow the eviction to Berlusconi, Napolitano, and that would certainly blessed.
All this with all due respect of the will popular. Nothing personal, it is the parliamentary republic.

But there was a little unexpected and "alternative majority", December 14, took a resounding slap. Not only: the more the days pass and the votes in the classroom, the more the numbers for the current government seem to be getting round.
squares from the offices of the attorney shall immediately snapped several B plans to try to correct the path of the incident, but these days is not enough to have a plan B, we also need the Plan C. " C" as Constitution.

is, therefore, that taking the leap to the idea of \u200b\u200ba note del Quirinale, which called for keeping the bass worth the possible early termination of the term , constitutionalists lit (those that, both for understand, they would figure in as a guest impartial Ballarò) have already prepared a nice U-turn, even in C.
After all, where is it written that the head of state can not be a "play referee" and send everyone home even if the parliamentary majority holds? It 's true that we have said and repeated for years, but only fools do not change their minds, no?

The Constitution provides that ( art.88) " The President of the Republic, having heard the Presidents, dissolve the Chambers or any one of them .
course, the next article states: "No act of President of the Republic shall be valid unless countersigned by the Ministers for the proponents, who assume responsibility. The acts which have legislative and other specified by law shall be countersigned by the President of the Council of Ministers . And the practice is clear, such a thing has never happened. But the constitutional
Lorenza Carlassarre , Palasharp fresh from Milan, not to impress you and show possibilist about the prospect of an early dissolution of the rooms, even in the presence of a numerical majority in both houses of parliament, without the countersignature of the Prime Minister. It matters little that the same Carlassarre, recently, had said the opposite, considering the idea unacceptable. Politics is fantasy, and even constitutional interpretations must be adapted to the conveniences of scenario.

And the whole spiel on parliamentary republic that we have fed for years to the point that almost we were almost starting to believe it? While Berlusconi out to put in the attic, along with everything that we played for a long time: the rule of law, individual freedoms, respect for privacy and dignity.
adjourn rules and practices and we just take out the enemy and he is the antiberlusconismo beauty.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Fossil Looks Like Rams Horn

The Haunted

" tone down" is the phrase of the day, he launched last week, the Head of State and all, in words, they collection, only to make us not miss the daily ration of controversy TG vitriol for the evening.

" toned down." also said Gianfranco Fini closing today at the convention of FLI Rho: talk to us, of our proposals, and that's it with antiberlusconismo.
And a few hours before the sergeant Granata the had made his proposal: " approve a code of ethics within us! . Right, but why such urgency? " Why we can not allow one of our go to Arcore! ". That's what the code of ethics. We were saying? Enough with the antiberlusconismo.

Italo Bocchino Even in recent days had invited everyone to tone down the rhetoric, and must have been just a tribute to the desired new climate of peace that the leader of the House and FLI his wife expressed their clear desire for relaxation to Felt, and Sallusti Belpietro denouncing to stalking.

According to the reconstruction of the Corriere explain the couple of being obsessed, become suspicious, to jump up every time the phone rings. And you have nightmares at night. The fear that the pieces published in newspapers hateful they would live in a continuing state of anxiety and frustration. Italo Bocchino and Gabriella Buontempo, in their complaint, would argue to be emaciated and lost weight. "
short mouthpiece feels persecuted and his appetite is affected.
If Berlusconi had the poor health of Bocchino and his wife at this time had already come under the oxygen tent, given the attention that the reserve daily press and television, earning among other things, the frequent pats on the back garde Futurist, always in the name of détente.

Finian PS During the festival went for a more sober and dry T-shirt with the slogan "If Ruby can not govern." This is also tone down the rhetoric.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Skate Ramp Birthday Cake


next Sunday in 117 Italian squares will be performed the protest of women against the culture of commodification of the female body.
fine if this were so, but really just scroll down the list of promoters, led by direttorissima Unit Concita De Gregorio (the one that launched the new course of the unit with a nice ass full page) to understand that the whole circle will be reduced to the usual anti-Berlusconi.

Sure Cav if asked for it outlined in nymphs, nymphs and various sgallettate, and the process for the case that Ruby is approaching, what better opportunity for a better collective outrage in favor of camera?

And then, as he says Angela Finocchiaro in the promotional video of the event, all the streets on 13 to make Italy "a country for women, against the model Ruby. But then you find that a front row seat in the parade there will be Mrs. Carla Corso, who leads the movement for the rights of prostitutes.
Nothing wrong with that, God forbid, but what enters, grace, prostitutes in a demonstration against the commodification of the female body?
He explains, with his usual flair, the De Gregorio, who in his piece three days ago, the evocation entitled " Nuns and Hookers," is really talk about the course "We were in combat the world, we wanted to break the hypocrisy, these girls are not against the system but are functional .
Let's see: If you antisystemic six prostitutes in the street, and if you do see with the right people, you can even aspire to be intellectual stars. If, however, cross the threshold of becoming Arcore on the spot a little good, even before it becomes clearer what you're going to do. Not just justice, morality also now has become a personal basis .

That Sunday will also be a demonstration for women's rights, but it seems to make a shadow with only the squares Santoro and Palasharp Saviano.
Women who go to the streets Sunday will run a serious risk to themselves to be exploited and ultimately to be functional in the designs of political figures, all male, that they stay behind the scenes, dictate the score and pull the strings, with the blessing of our Lord (and ladies) of proxies.
March for peace.

But the weekend will also bring some good news: the comeback elephant red Teatro Dal Verme in Milan, with an initiative by the name symbolic "but Live In Panties "
" What do you think? Feeling of belonging to a minority that has nothing to teach but does not accept sermons from pulpits without decency and sense of limits? "Welcome back

Thursday, February 10, 2011

How Much Will It Cost To Shave Doors

Moral to the diet of the Justicialist

feeds on the political consensus. Not because saziarlo is the satisfaction of feeling valued and supported by their fellow citizens, but because, you know, consent is equivalent to the votes, seats and votes mean, refunds, visibility, that is all that a party needs to live prosperous and without fear of tomorrow.

Every party is characterized by a particular attention to certain themes that define his relationship with the electorate. There are parties to "everything on federalism, on the other support to free enterprise (at least in theory ...), others are at the forefront of ethical issues, others want a lighter that was" Mind your own business in ", others prefer the more interventionist and heavy on people's lives.

Everyone gives the answer he considers most effective to the needs of its potential voters. The consensus of the game is all here: find the target, studiane instances, propose answers or solutions, at least in words, the meet and then count the votes at the polls.
no exception even so-called justice- parties. Those who do not know if they are good for free enterprise or the state that reach out your hand everywhere, federalism or centralism, for efficiency or for the trade union privileges, but they find their true reason for being in the classroom media processes, or in television studios of many of the programs of expansion of public television and not where, needless to say, the opponent is always guilty .

The electorate of these parties is largely composed of people who revel in judicial reports, records and grooming acts that inevitably reserved in Italy they are made public and listen to the monologues of kidnapped Travaglio, be able to argue that the necessity of imprisonment for Mickey Mouse.

The thought of a law or decree to block the publication of these documents in the papers is equivalent, for those who feed on certain material, the prospect of a diet with ruinous consequences for the required reserves of poison in the body, so that the first signs , Not confirmed, the party leader has not made the handcuffs and started to pray spear.

" Making a law to block the work of magistrates who are investigating Berlusconi tantamount to a declaration of war, making the proper proportions, is on a par with what is happening in Egypt and could cause an uprising similar "It 'was the comment of Di Pietro, with the small difference lacking in Egypt was the bread, not the interception, and with all due respect to those who devour the newspapers is not the same thing, even doing the "proper PROPRORZIONI .

Acting on wiretapping should , not to protect the political shift that ends up in the meat grinder, but to prevent the national debate is polluted daily by those who are poisoning the water wells.
To do this you will need to bear the barrage of people, first of all media, has every interest in having the bleeding of papers from prosecutors to continue. Do not be angry threats of squares and hungry to come to the stingy government. Egypt is far and Di Pietro as say, those who eat breakfast interceptions are still a minority.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Heather Brooke And Heather Harmon

Finian Fugue in

How sad the liner, only four months later. Just last October Italo Bocchino could occur beating their breasts in front of microphones and notepads announcing that the parliamentary group of newborn FLI was " decisive in the House to the Senate soon to arrive in time because in our group some other senator "why" The movement out of the PDL will continue throughout the term because the discontent within the party and parliamentary groups is very high .

Those were the days when the figure of a strong political movement to success was measured by deputies and senators torn parties opponents (at that stage they elected Berlusconi lost, not gained them, then no one came into his head to speak to trade, nor of "horse trading") and Freedom and the Future was plain sailing: the parliamentary groups with the line outside the door, and media exposure from the majority party on. Whatever the topic of the day the point of view of the scope was Finian most anticipated de mash of TG.
courted by the right that he hoped to woo and ensuring their loyalty, look with hope to the people from the left - looking forward to seeing materialize finally someone that can drive up upside Berlusconi - and with suspicion by the left side of the building, afraid it could be someone else to appear before the people "No Cav" with the head of the tyrant to offer as a trophy.
Finian I had in their hands the fate of the legislature. In a word: determinants.

A few weeks of the bleeding ladies the PDL is not only arrested but reversed itself, the pieces have lost both Finian Deputies that in the Senate. They had also become crucial in the Senate, are no longer even in the House.
But the great escape now no longer of interest only classrooms and gentlemen, for some time apparently initiated the "brain drain . If a member goes "the enemy" you can acknowledge that he did buy, or want to prop up the term at all costs to avoid losing the privileges to which you quickly get used to and would not ever give up, but when Rod , and let you "hello" with his hand, the intellectuals of the bell reference Alarm sounds for strength. Species for a political force that intellectuals, from the first moment, waved them like flags .

On the threshold of the gate output has been sighted the scientific director of Farefuturo Alessandro Campi " I'm not a man for all seasons. We've gone from critical to Berlusconi invective, and while on the critique, we have put in difficulty, with the insult married thesis on which the left lost for fifteen years .
not sound much better than the words of Sofia Ventura , Which compared imprinting of FLI to that of a "small parties of the first Republic . For a movement born with the ambition of reshaping the Italian right and give a European dimension and a review by modern tombstone.

Here is where you find the path FLI on the eve of the founding congress: tones stored in the attic revolutionary Bastia Umbra, its signs are now in the service of the troop scudocrociata, the gait which point the only goal of a post-election parliament with a Senate blocked, in which they can negotiate a surrender, generous ministries, with the high bidder (ie, who makes sure the reward for the majority in the House) and Prime Minister Berlusconi veto. A little 'just for a political entity to which no goal was to be foreclosed.

Travel Notes: not enough to be born as the third leg, or give birth to the third prong, to found the Third Republic.