Friday, February 4, 2011

Where Is Pikachu On Route 2 In Silver?

Road to Nomination: 12 - Chris Christie

continues Road to Nomination of this blog. Thanks to Fox News minispecial to go to learn more about 12 potential candidates for the Republican nomination for ' presidential election of 2012. Today we conclude the stops "regular" with a character not common Chris Christie.

Of all the potential candidates for the 2012 nomination Chris Christie is probably more than any other has denied any presidential ambitions. But there is no doubt that the governor of New Jersey is one of the rising stars of the GOP.
Its characteristic feature is to speak clearly, bluntly, so at times almost brutal. And it was just that his style to elect him governor.
Last October, during a dinner held the Republican Party in Indiana, the best friend Christie has in politics, the Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels , introduced it with these calling it a star bigger than Bono U2 "Bono on bet would be to aim too low, if you want a real rock star you have to call Chris Christie of New Jersey! . The roar of approval of the general public was immediate.

Christie, when he announced plans to run in New Jersey, was, for most Americans, a figure came out literally from scratch. But his victory has been quick to assume a national significance. Christie beat governor Jon Corzine, a staunch ally of Obama the same day that Bob McDonnell ripped the Democrats also the state of Virginia, marking the first pay-back for the Democrats after the election of 2008.

Christie, in his first speech after his victory, called for a peaceful transition of power without any trauma, but the discovery that the surplus of 500 million promised by Corzine was in fact a deficit of 2.2 billion made things more complicated, and Christie has imposed the Democrats to fix things without raising taxes.
" And they started calling me Julius Caesar or Napoleon Bonaparte, all great leaders of the past that I admire deeply " Christie joked during an official speech.

The apparent inability to use diplomacy Christie made it very unpopular with teachers' unions in New Jersey.
" I made them an offer: if you agree to freeze your salary for a year and make a contribution of 1 .5% for your health insurance, we will be able to have a balanced budget without firing anyone. They said no and called our Pain 'the greatest assault on public education in the history of New Jersey '. "

Christie's character is perfectly illustrated by a fragment of a debate in which the teacher allegedly insulted and abused, with its rhetoric and its action, the entire category by putting as many honest taxpayers her in serious economic difficulties.
Christie begins to respond, in the middle of the first sentence shall deal squotere and starts laughing his head, the governor there is " I've heard, but if you intend to make a spectacle and to laugh every time I speak then I do not care to answer your question. If you want a friendly conversation with her I'll be happy to have it, otherwise I would ask you to sit down and I will answer the next question. What to choose? .

" would be funny if this were not the kind of shit that I have to listen " he said speaking at the dinner sponsored by Mitch Daniels.

It was learned that the president a teachers' union in New Jersey has even prayed for his death.
" But they said that they did not want the news became public. So pray in private to my death right? "

Christie rarely talks about foreign policy and the threat of Islamic fundamentalism against the United States, but under the New Jersey worked shoulder to shoulder with the state prosecutor to bring to Justice and a group of men convicted of attempted terrorist acts.
" philosophy that encourages and supports holy war against America around the world came to live here in New Jersey to threaten the lives of our fellow citizens through these defendants .

The clarity with which Christie says things in the face all'establishment Democrat has made him a popular character, with many begging him to run for the White House.

For Larry Sabato " Christie Tea Party is so popular because people like her style is that its substance. His style is very frank and straightforward, not afraid to answer for rhymes to his critics in the face telling him exactly what he thinks, regardless of whether a journalist or an ordinary citizen .

Private Tea Party leaders have acknowledged that Christie is the politician who would like more than any other in the fray in 2012. But Christie is adamant about this:
" Listen, I said that I will not, I do not want to do it, that the probability is zero said last November " I do not feel ready to be President. I do not want candidates to be President. I've said in all ways, but all still say that I left the door open.
"Apart from committing suicide do not know what I have to do to convince people that I will not nominate myself. not going to. "
As a reminder of the concept Christie has also refused to grant an interview for the special rite of Fox News.
But come what Christie is a leader in strong growth within the GOP.
" We should not wait until 2012 to take back this country. For our party is the time to come out or be doomed to silence .

My two cents for free : We assume that Christie was nominated in 2012 for not not push him to commit suicide to prove it. A moment later, however, we cease to believe to say that certainly, if seeking the nomination, it would be a hard bone for all: it is beloved by the Tea Party and his approach won the average Republican, especially these days, with the discussion on excess Federal government spending that goes right to the mainstream.
More discussion would be the presidential election, there is not enough to penetrate between the conservatives, we must seize the "center" and this is where things get complicated, but it must be said that Christie has shown to be able to win a state like New Jersey which is certainly not one of those where the GOP goes for a walk.
Beyond the election but Christie still seems too inexperienced to think of working in the Oval Office and to represent the USA in the world, and he seems to be the first to realize it, but it is to see if it will never in his life to be so popular in the shelter of a presidential election. This could change his mind.
said that we return to assume that will be a candidate. Does anyone have doubts?

Next Stop: The nearest regular stop here, but there still someone who we meet, then next week we'll make at least one extra. Stay tuned.

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