Thursday, February 10, 2011

How Much Will It Cost To Shave Doors

Moral to the diet of the Justicialist

feeds on the political consensus. Not because saziarlo is the satisfaction of feeling valued and supported by their fellow citizens, but because, you know, consent is equivalent to the votes, seats and votes mean, refunds, visibility, that is all that a party needs to live prosperous and without fear of tomorrow.

Every party is characterized by a particular attention to certain themes that define his relationship with the electorate. There are parties to "everything on federalism, on the other support to free enterprise (at least in theory ...), others are at the forefront of ethical issues, others want a lighter that was" Mind your own business in ", others prefer the more interventionist and heavy on people's lives.

Everyone gives the answer he considers most effective to the needs of its potential voters. The consensus of the game is all here: find the target, studiane instances, propose answers or solutions, at least in words, the meet and then count the votes at the polls.
no exception even so-called justice- parties. Those who do not know if they are good for free enterprise or the state that reach out your hand everywhere, federalism or centralism, for efficiency or for the trade union privileges, but they find their true reason for being in the classroom media processes, or in television studios of many of the programs of expansion of public television and not where, needless to say, the opponent is always guilty .

The electorate of these parties is largely composed of people who revel in judicial reports, records and grooming acts that inevitably reserved in Italy they are made public and listen to the monologues of kidnapped Travaglio, be able to argue that the necessity of imprisonment for Mickey Mouse.

The thought of a law or decree to block the publication of these documents in the papers is equivalent, for those who feed on certain material, the prospect of a diet with ruinous consequences for the required reserves of poison in the body, so that the first signs , Not confirmed, the party leader has not made the handcuffs and started to pray spear.

" Making a law to block the work of magistrates who are investigating Berlusconi tantamount to a declaration of war, making the proper proportions, is on a par with what is happening in Egypt and could cause an uprising similar "It 'was the comment of Di Pietro, with the small difference lacking in Egypt was the bread, not the interception, and with all due respect to those who devour the newspapers is not the same thing, even doing the "proper PROPRORZIONI .

Acting on wiretapping should , not to protect the political shift that ends up in the meat grinder, but to prevent the national debate is polluted daily by those who are poisoning the water wells.
To do this you will need to bear the barrage of people, first of all media, has every interest in having the bleeding of papers from prosecutors to continue. Do not be angry threats of squares and hungry to come to the stingy government. Egypt is far and Di Pietro as say, those who eat breakfast interceptions are still a minority.


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