Thursday, February 17, 2011

Can Drinking Alcohol Delay The M

" We then a coalition of democratic emergency." Thus spoke Nichi Vendola, governor of Puglia in the national tour of permanent, long sniff the identity crisis of the Democratic Party, trying to dictate the line.
batching should include, incidentally, even that FLI that just the day before yesterday, to the mouth of its leader, had reiterated to have a policy " unequivocal: Fli wants to reestablish the center . Apparently the message did not arrive loud and clear.

Grand Coalition, therefore, to address the fundamental things, which are summarized in the vision of Vendola in: " electoral law, good law on conflict of interest and information system " those things known in Italian families discuss around the dinner table.
This is the left of the sermons to those who should not address the real issues the country. The government action is another thing, is conditioned by a thousand contingencies of the moment, but in statements of intent a bit 'of good will could at least pretend to have it.

Vendola But it does not stop here and already in his pocket the name of the leader: " Rosy Bindi. A woman who represents the reaction to one of the most painful of cultural decline, plays a key institutional role as the vice-chairman of the House, has the right profile to drive a rapid transition to normalcy . Full-blown investiture.

Imagine for a moment that goes hand in hand Vendola Bersani, Di Pietro Fini and to pay homage to Rosy Bindi just settled with the insignia Premier at Palazzo Chigi with Casini waiting outside that someone close to the keys under the door.

is what is ready to cook and put on the table for us Italian politics if this government and this majority end up falling under the court now daily shelling.
who is said to center you think about it, before following beyond certain pied pipers, having regard to the road on which it is moving along.
" Trap Colombe " said the other day, someone is starting to notice.


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