Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Make A Card Reader To Stand Alone

Road to Nomination: 11 - Bobby Jindal

continues Road to Nomination of this blog. Thanks to Fox News minispecial to go to learn more about 12 potential candidates for the Republican nomination for ' presidential election of 2012. Today we received the Governor Bobby Jindal .

Governor of Louisiana, Bobby Jindal, at 39 years (40 in June, 41 in the year of election) if it ran for the White House and was elected to become the youngest President in American history.

" when he was elected governor must face challenges you did not expect, you have to take decisions that have an impact, that make a difference .
Despite his young age the centerpiece of Jindal's resume is his experience: he was secretary of the Louisiana Department of Health, was assistant secretary in the department for public health and social services during the Bush administration, was elected to Congress and is currently in his first term in Louisiana, a state with many challenges.

" The reason why I decided to run as governor was to collect what I think is the greatest challenge that our state needs to address, even bigger disaster of the oil rigs and hurricanes to make sure that the people of Louisiana do not have to go away from home to realize their dreams. For 20 years we were the only southern state where the people who were leaving were more numerous than those who entered. This is because there was no opportunity cost here. It 'something that we have now changed .

Bobby Jindal is very young faces in the political arena, and has quickly become a child prodigy. He always spoke of him as a star of the Republican future. " Today is a responsible and efficient Governor .

" 35.000 We created jobs and attracted $ 5 billion in private investment. We have also realized the largest tax cut in the history of state. I had committed not to increase .
A formula that can operate at the national level?
" Certainly, what we have done here can work across the country, if the cuts spending you can cut taxes and create the conditions in which small and large companies can create new jobs. You can give your people the best chance. The problem is that in Washington we have an administration that thinks it's the federal government to have to give all the answers .

Jindal Critics of the Democratic Party says that, despite all the complaints about Obama's policy, the governor of Louisiana is among the fastest to get their hands on federal money when he can, as occurred for the stimuli introduced at the beginning of 2009.

"When the federal government decides to spend our tax dollars, my obligation as governor of Louisiana is to study line by line what programs can be useful for my state and what not, to use the former and discard the latter. But I will tell you that we would certainly be better off without many of the initiatives coming from Washington. Obama's health care reform cost the state billions of dollars my .
should be repealed? Replaced? And with what?
" We certainly need to repeal it. As Republicans we have spent months explaining to people that this reform is horrible, which is raising our taxes, which is unconstitutional, we must not put 60 million people in this health program.
Then we have to be replaced. No one was happy with the way health care worked before. We need to refundable tax credits to help people. As it stands now, the only alternative to a government-run health insurance has run out.
The point is, who we want to make these choices? The doctor with his patient? Or do we prefer that some bureaucrat in Washington to do for everyone? .

Jindal is the son of an immigrant Indian, could be the first representative of a minority to enter a GOP presidential ticket.
" Legal immigration has been a good thing for America. But part of the problem of immigration is sometimes overlooked. We firmly believe that America is a melting pot of many different ethnic groups, but I think it's important for people who come to us to learn to speak our language. Who wants to come to America to want to integrate in our culture .

The most pressing foreign policy issue:
" take a stand for freedom. We should not apologize for what he has done our country, we must not think that we were the cause of the terrorist attacks . Half a dig at Obama.

The parallels between Obama and Jindal led the GOP to choose just the governor of Louisiana to deliver the party's response to Obama's first State of the Union speech in 2009. Unfortunately, no good came from the comparison ...
" I think I've proved to the country of not being able to read the 'Hunchback' .
regretted having done so?
" would have been better not to. I like talking to people directly, without having to take notes .

Jindal has regained his points with interest when he had to deal with the emergence of the BP oil spilled on the Gulf of Mexico.
" For months I have been all day on the coast, I talked with the fishermen and people living on the sea. The people who know these waters has helped us to find innovative solutions .

But Jindal is thinking in the White House? In 2008, said he has no intention to run for president in 2012 and did not want to run for office other than covering now. It 's been a while but his ideas have remained the same.
" When the presidential candidates will run for the White House I will be running for re-election here. I already have the job I want. We are doing a good job here and we still have and "

My Two Cents for free : It 's a good candidate, capable and practical. E 'appreciated as governor, but in a state where the GOP would win hands anyway low. He 's young and the fact that a minority could be interesting to introduce a variable. However, deploying an Indian-American against an African American sound like a choice opportunistic and if the results were similar to that of 2009 response ...
better talk it over to the next round. Although televised might be interesting to compare a challenger when he speaks, it travels at a rate of 2 words per second and a President who spends on average only 30 seconds to clear his voice ...

Next Stop: New Jersey, where we certainly expect a governor who is not confused in the crowd: Chris Christie, a true rock star. "

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