Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Heather Brooke And Heather Harmon

Finian Fugue in

How sad the liner, only four months later. Just last October Italo Bocchino could occur beating their breasts in front of microphones and notepads announcing that the parliamentary group of newborn FLI was " decisive in the House to the Senate soon to arrive in time because in our group some other senator "why" The movement out of the PDL will continue throughout the term because the discontent within the party and parliamentary groups is very high .

Those were the days when the figure of a strong political movement to success was measured by deputies and senators torn parties opponents (at that stage they elected Berlusconi lost, not gained them, then no one came into his head to speak to trade, nor of "horse trading") and Freedom and the Future was plain sailing: the parliamentary groups with the line outside the door, and media exposure from the majority party on. Whatever the topic of the day the point of view of the scope was Finian most anticipated de mash of TG.
courted by the right that he hoped to woo and ensuring their loyalty, look with hope to the people from the left - looking forward to seeing materialize finally someone that can drive up upside Berlusconi - and with suspicion by the left side of the building, afraid it could be someone else to appear before the people "No Cav" with the head of the tyrant to offer as a trophy.
Finian I had in their hands the fate of the legislature. In a word: determinants.

A few weeks of the bleeding ladies the PDL is not only arrested but reversed itself, the pieces have lost both Finian Deputies that in the Senate. They had also become crucial in the Senate, are no longer even in the House.
But the great escape now no longer of interest only classrooms and gentlemen, for some time apparently initiated the "brain drain . If a member goes "the enemy" you can acknowledge that he did buy, or want to prop up the term at all costs to avoid losing the privileges to which you quickly get used to and would not ever give up, but when Rod , and let you "hello" with his hand, the intellectuals of the bell reference Alarm sounds for strength. Species for a political force that intellectuals, from the first moment, waved them like flags .

On the threshold of the gate output has been sighted the scientific director of Farefuturo Alessandro Campi " I'm not a man for all seasons. We've gone from critical to Berlusconi invective, and while on the critique, we have put in difficulty, with the insult married thesis on which the left lost for fifteen years .
not sound much better than the words of Sofia Ventura , Which compared imprinting of FLI to that of a "small parties of the first Republic . For a movement born with the ambition of reshaping the Italian right and give a European dimension and a review by modern tombstone.

Here is where you find the path FLI on the eve of the founding congress: tones stored in the attic revolutionary Bastia Umbra, its signs are now in the service of the troop scudocrociata, the gait which point the only goal of a post-election parliament with a Senate blocked, in which they can negotiate a surrender, generous ministries, with the high bidder (ie, who makes sure the reward for the majority in the House) and Prime Minister Berlusconi veto. A little 'just for a political entity to which no goal was to be foreclosed.

Travel Notes: not enough to be born as the third leg, or give birth to the third prong, to found the Third Republic.


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