Friday, February 18, 2011

Secondary School Life In Singapore 1970s To 1980s

Reform Possible Future Rosy for President and Ambiguity

maldipancia's party, so you could rename the FLI. But now no longer speaks only of intellectuals who raise their voices grumbling or post conference. What we are witnessing in these hours is a real landslide parliamentary groups.
And for a party that exists only in the palaces, which has never taken a vote or had not yet submitted to any election, losing parliamentary not a little grit.

" would be really useless to deny the obvious: the Future project and Liberty live a difficult time going through the phase when the most negative, with the manifestation of Mirabello, has taken the first steps "he admitted Gianfranco Fini this morning by the columns of" the Century. "
The identification of the culprit is quickly made: President the House attaches to the diaspora futurist " many weapons seductive enjoyed by those who govern" and in particular to his " financial and media power that it is prudent not directly opposing .

MPs who leave the shores Finian do so because they are yielding to the lure of economic power which Berlusconi can not say no: the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.
not bat an eyelid, a pity that all elected representatives now sit on the benches of FLI and allow the party of Fini to have a parliamentary group in the House and (even for just) one in the Senate are there because they did six months ago the opposite direction, and that economic power has been disconnected irresistibly attractive, recently arrived at a nice bang in the face with an open vote no confidence in both houses of parliament.

analysis of acquittal Fini car pretends not to see that his movement does not suffer any cannibalization, it is only by returning to its natural size. If for some months FLI appeared to have a future by party and not only by small parties was due to the vagueness and ambiguity of its offer policy, which has allowed to attract people with stories and objectives are very different, presenting itself as the movement of holy war antiberlusconiana and at the same time as the third leg of the majority first and then as a force for reform of the center. A kind of magic mirror in which everyone saw reflected their own image.

But some misunderstandings are short-lived, can not be a political one thing and its opposite. When, from Bastia Umbra on, the mask has fallen two sides came into the open the features of a party where the hawks and doves dictate the route numbers are, a movement rancorous, with conviction and ready antigovernment to make a pact with the devil just to bring down Berlusconi. Who was a stranger to this line has got to be a thousand miles away from the promised land and started looking around wondering if there was a train, a bus or a donkey to go back.

Why you can not tell you to center and wink at Vendola , you can not tell you bipolar and found the third pole of the bipolar confrontation with those who want to bury him, you can not vote on university reform and on the roof, you can not tell you ride the mud and guaranteed media processes, you can not talk about liberal values \u200b\u200band use the tones and accents Di Pietro.

Dear Fini, the breakdown of your party is not about the attractiveness of an economic power that can not be opposed. On the contrary, opposing that power in Italy is the quickest shortcut to gain visibility, lighting, microphones, and good press.
The point is another: FLI appears today for what it is, and therefore can not attract more based on what it claims to be, although it had. Finian's why lose pieces, and will continue to do so. The latter continue to haemorrhage antiberlusconiani regardless, proud and proud of it, as in parliament to the streets. Just do not call right .


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