Friday, February 25, 2011

Lacunar Infarct Right Thalamus

fixed target

Yesterday Annozero dealt with the theme of the day: burning Libya.
opportunity Resuming in the early evening offered by public television should not miss.
The transmission is initiated as per schedule at 21:05. At 21:20 we had scarce understood: we have it all wrong. For days we filled their heads with matters totally irrelevant, the truth and have it explained Santoro in less than a quarter of an hour everything has been clear: the real problem of Libya has a name and a surname: Muammar Gaddafi? No, Silvio Berlusconi .

The procedure is simple: go in front of the embassy, \u200b\u200bnear the Libyan rightly protest that transplanted the massacres that are taking place in his country, make him a question about Berlusconi and, if it suits the sound of " shame! ", stick it in the service and then everything fades to a suitable background music" of Guzzantiana memory. The icing Montacute below a beautiful chorus " murderess! murderess! "(addressed to Gaddafi, but just do not tell) and the effect is guaranteed, you can play on for the entire episode.

Berlusconi is a villain because he is the sole responsibility of the signing of friendship treaty with Libya. No matter that the ratification was a bipartisan measure that has finalizing the work of previous governments, even in a different color. And we do not even care that the Senate has passed with 232 votes in favor, 22 against and 12 abstentions in the House and with 413 votes in favor, 63 against and 36 abstentions. It 's a dance that sounds too good to pass up.

Berlusconi is a bitch because she bought and still buys oil and gas by the dictator. Too bad the same thing they did all the rulers of Western Europe for 40 years now. Better not say it ruins the atmosphere.

Berlusconi is complicit in the carnage because It took hours to even strongly condemn what was happening on the streets of Tripoli, this is the heart of the discourse.

past few minutes an envoy from Washington La Repubblica, one of those who have America in his pocket, knowing how the world works and you always like to explain it falls down ' high external connection and tells us that the seeds of the riots in the Middle East antiregime Obama has planted with his speech in Cairo two years ago.
The same Obama who has spent more than 48 hours abundant Berlusconi to open his mouth about the massacres and the Libyans did it with a soft tone that can not be softer, but this seems bad to criticize and even some provincial: he had a good reason, can not you understand? him to said White House spokesman Jay Carney : Obama was cautious for fear of retaliation against American citizens in Libya .
Question: Is he the same reason that we are also preferred not to yell into the megaphone to the murderer? Never mind, we do not care to understand, just shoot the enemy, Obama is Obama but if it does the Cayman is a crap regardless.

Back in Libya yesterday of journalists, among them the anxiety and sent Courier were blocked by pro-Gaddafi militiamen on the road to Tripoli and in the news it was the Italians, were slapped and kicked. What is "blame" for the position of our government against the crackdown by the regime of Rais? Possible.

Let's face it, to all of us would like to hear hard and sharp words of condemnation from our government already after the first few clashes last week, but we make a game, imagine what would have happened if he had shouted into the microphones Berlusconi giving Gadhafi to Assassin and if the Italians in Tripoli and its work there, and in the early hours of the revolt were still all in Libya, had been targeted for reprisals by the militants and mercenaries in the pay of the Rais, who at this moment burst into the homes of civilians by firing at random on who are behind the door, and that a week ago had still in full control of the territory.
Imagine the scene: it seems to see them and hear them, the Giovanni Floris, the Massimo Giannini, the Ezio Mauro of the situation, look up at the sky and shaking the finger of blame " A Prime Minister does not do this, shame! used measure is prudent, you can not act with this lightly! . And last night there was a need for creative editing to yell at someone " murderess! "at the Premier.

So, as you move you lightning and we are talking about Ruby or Gaddafi the target is always the same , movable or immovable that is. Obsessive occurred.
When Berlusconi will retire to private life will be a sad day for these guys, we just vote for someone else, they must find another reason to live. Greetings.


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