Friday, February 4, 2011

Sasusaku Sakura Kidnapped

But Berlusconi of Egypt

" untreated. For us, any negotiations presupposes resign. " The opposition to the hard line. No mediation does not go away until the tyrant .
tyrant But what we talking about? It is to choose the quotation marks is Egypt, the signature of El Baradei and the "Muslim Brotherhood", and the target is Mubarak, but outputs to listen to some of Bersani, Franceschini dimissionante and companionship, it seems that Rome is on the outskirts of Cairo.

Come to order:
Yesterday, after voting in "bicameralina" had led to a stalemate on federalism municipal opposition parties rushed to justify their opinion is attributable only to dissent on the merits, nothing preconceptions: with the best will in this federalism PDL League and water on all sides, is a disaster " in that text there are only charges, not federalism " and conversely "the ideas and League are often wrong "so as to expect anything better?
In summary: We have voted "no" because the deal was impossible, the text had to be thrown away.

Tombstone on federalism bipartisan? It depends, because it only takes a few minutes and deputy PD Francesco Boccia launches first love: " The league knows that if he wants to approve the fiscal federalism is only one way: to discuss with the opposition . Which basically means: if you help us to get rid of Berlusconi federalism I will approve of us. Possible? But it was all garbage?
few minutes and we still think Bersani to clarify the concept " If Berlusconi goes, we talk .

The "no merit" much-vaunted just after lunch, it took him less than a week to become a no ad personam, and not even need to wait for dinner time by the impassioned voice, and as usual a little overexcited, the leader in the House PD, Dario Franceschini the confirms that if Berlusconi will resign, and opposition can "t rovare understandings on the problems of country even starting federalism ". Carbon copy of the "do not treat him until there is" the Egyptian opposition.

At nightfall a doubt creeps in: Having said that Berlusconi impersonator as Mubarak is less credible as his niece, Ruby, will not they really believe?
feels like answered no, but just put the clock back half a day, and rewind the tape of the debate following information to the Minister Frattini on the situation in Egypt to hear Fabio Evangelisti , IDV, say " populations have endured dictatorships and corruption, but no longer tolerate hunger. It's the same reason that you will be overwhelmed: you can force the media regime, you can continue in a world of corruption, but 29 percent of the people, the young unemployed Italians, will present the bill soon. "

is done, the equation is complete. Italy and Egypt? We are there: the hunger of the Egyptians who live with a GDP per capita of $ 15 per day is the same that we suffer here. And the Egyptian regime, with a president in office for 30 years, elected to repeat the form of consultations in which the tab was only his party can look at himself in to our house and thought he had found his twin brother. For the opposition Mubarak and Berlusconi are equal .

Last night the Government, using the provisions of the enabling act (art. 2, paragraph 4 ), adopted a decree to send out federalism Municipal despite the stop of bicameralina. It 's just a stage of completion of the course of fiscal federalism, and if you want to get to see the finish line must be structured the soul in peace: an opposition that tries to pass off as Berlusconi Mubarak of Egypt is a party from which, apart from the chants of "resign! resign! ", do not expect much.
And 'good and right thing to pursue arrangements bipartisan, but this does not mean to pass what remains of this term, little or as much as it is, attached to the receiver and wait for a "yes" on the other end of the cable, or water down the law just enough to ensure non-belligerence of the opposition "borderline" or some local administrators.

If the policy is not sound then it is useless relentlessly patient, go back to the polls. If the government instead of the numbers in parliament has them, and managed to slalom between the mines that the Milan prosecutor's office puts on its way, go ahead with the reforms, together if possible, otherwise alone.
E 'was voted for this, and the vote of the people is the only justification serving .

Edit: The Quirinale declared inadmissible the decree of the municipal government on federalism. You are quite right, but the 'joy opposition is completely out of place. Has nothing to do the illegality of the decree, when the fact that the course we had to carry it has not yet been completed. According to the article mentioned above is in fact made as follows " If the government, partly as a result of the expression of opinions and gentlemen, does not intend to comply with the agreement reached in the Joint Conference Rooms and forward to a report from the same Joint Conference which shall give specific reasons for deviations from the cartel . The report has not yet been sent, once this is done the decree may be issued.


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