Saturday, February 19, 2011

Derby Silver Co Candelabra


has already spent a week passed since my last weekend in Rome, the occasion of the visit is related to the special visit, proposal of the center for social and cultural among employees of the Bank of Italy, to Courthouse, headquarters of the Supreme Court .

Given that the site is closed to visits was it possible to remain indifferent to such a proposal ? Never!

It is my intention to reflect on the symbolic meaning of the experience and show that in times of cultural backwardness and moral decay, combined with a widespread sense of helplessness, something you can do on a transformation ameliorative. To this end, I wonder in an attempt to clarify and thus get to identify the factor capable of transforming an expression tourism - culture in a true elixir.

  • What is and what it represents to me is justice?
  • How do I live the continual attacks on the judiciary and fronts?
  • How do you feel emotionally and how I react?
  • What is the pressing need to feel like?
  • How can I solve the problem underlying the need?

Justice to me is the ideal to which it is linked to ethical values, and as such, focused on research of what is good for a man, what is right to do or not do, involving the private sphere and the social. It is at the same time, expectations and condition without which there can be no prosperity.

is no doubt that the question of justice in Italy has entered into everyday life and political debate, both because of illegal behavior, rule considered the most cunning, both because of the attacks on the judiciary . While s'invocano laws and reforms increases the distance between the common man by law and who administers justice. In general, I detect a confusion of roles between the powers of the State whose result can only be unhealthy, harmful .

I like it, always, to interpret the symbols that evoke a suggestive relationship between concrete objects and mental images. It is a pleasure that other people, for example artists, is well known achieving significant results.

It also makers of the palace to which my attention is directed resorted to the evocative power of symbols, in their idea, in fact, " the palace was supposed to represent the advent of the new order that would replace the previous unit and unjust papal order " . They chose an area like that of Prati di Castello in its entirety and modified features of the river landscape in which stood the great complex of San Pietro, the Vatican and Castel Sant 'Angelo.

Since they were found to offset any pressure on Pope Pius IX, conducted since the proclamation of the Kingdom, why leave your own time domain, the ' architect Calderini, designed and built the Palace of Justice, decided to orient the main facade to the water the blond Tiber and into symbols of papal power, the policy focuses on a large triumphal arch that forms the front door. Overcome the door by a group of sculptures of Justice which is depicted seated and surrounded by the figures, allegorical, and the Force of Law.

the complexity of the function corresponds to a multiplicity of spaces and elements architettonic whose arrangement creates the atmosphere full of charm. No coincidence that the charming building was chosen by Orson Welles as a location for his film The process, based on the novel of Kafka.

Adherence to the proposed visit is, therefore, the response to the need to find reassurance in a very hot topic, warned by many and often in different terms if they do not conflict.

Under this reasoning have come to understand that the metaphor of the journey is more appropriate than ever: with my experience down to Rome, I started learning at the conclusion of which I found different, enriched and reassured.


The documentation of the visit is entrusted to photographs of his friend Pierre while drawing up the post I used the following sources:


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