Wednesday, February 2, 2011

How To Write Commercial Property Offer

A country (almost) normal

Yesterday seemed almost to be in a normal country .
get home, turn on the TV news and see the Premier that talks about the upcoming government initiatives on development and growth. Among the titles no new shocking revelation about the habits of bed and around the girls dell'Olgettina.
Change channel there an opposition leader who was interviewed as to why these proposals do not go well. No sighting of underwear of going to parties Arcore.
As in a normal country, in fact.

Oh God, if we wanted to make the squeamish might argue that neither of us really explained what it do, in fact, beyond the intentions (which are always the best), did not understand much, and you may also note that it is a bit 'odd that an opposition leader begins by defining the prime minister a "liar " and concludes by giving the " Him" \u200b\u200b(" when he is gone ).
These things just are not normal, but with what we had to send down their throats in the last 15 days even a ration of " almost normal 'seems to us good and plentiful, yet they have been?

So delude ourselves, in a country almost as normal, be able to spend the next few weeks to insult us talking about tax relief and deregulation.
To be able to attend talk show quarrelsome, with conductors blatantly partisan and an audience that applauds a one-way, where representatives of opposing sides that they should slaughter one argues that it is right that the state rates as to be able to redistribute wealth while the other replies that no, it is true, it's far better to leave the money in pockets of people who know best how and where to spend the state.
delude ourselves, as almost normal in a country that gives us the televised parliamentary sessions suspended for fighting for the souls of "ladies" have warmed a bit 'too much while discussing federalism.

delude ourselves that the incivility and partisanship of our political debate can transcend decency as usual, but Themes and topics of public interest and common interest . Even if, on balance, apart from the scenes, 8 times out of 10 nothing happens because someone outside the Parliament gets in the way and the law does not, and if you water shall be added, too bad, it was nice to believe it.

delude ourselves politicians, commentators, notisti, columnists, ordinary citizens, until they let us play, as long as recreation, until fall the teacher, the one with red hair and black robe .
"Today we talk about wiretapping children, there distracted." Excuse us sir, we had forgotten to be in Italy, we return immediately slaughtered, insult, and coming to blows about Ruby, the macro and sisters. And we promise that the only proposals and demands that we will devote ourselves to cross those resignations.

It 's a doomed one of Italy? We have suspicions. But we are optimists, and deep down we have not stopped believing. Next week is another Council of Ministers, see what happens if we get there alive.
Hope was never a strategy, and someone said it was the biggest of lies . It 's true, but there is always the best .


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