Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Brazilian Waxing For Pregnant Pubic Hair Position

Robespietro 2.0

What you breathe in Italy has long felt an atmosphere poisoned by a piece, even the 13 year old mandate to perform , reading the poem learned by heart, before Democratic bigwigs to Palasharp Milan Italy (among other things, the closest thing to abuse a child will remember for years at a public event, perhaps the Boccassini should be interested), and that there are those who throw gasoline the fire is another fact of life now obvious to most people.

Over the weekend we witnessed the assault of a group is frantic at Villa San Martino, in Arcore residence of the Premier, with the usual clashes with the police. Two protesters were arrested (and, indeed, immediately issued ). Immediate was the distancing of the promoters of the event's purple people, even with their flags and banners near the beds of Berlusconi: We have nothing to do.

short, the purple square is not connected to the foul deed, and it was indeed the most vibrant civil intentions. It is no doubt when you consider that many Trai solgan (one might say most slogan protesters) there was an "S and do not want to resign ... fired" that combines the moderate tone of the message , the sensitivity to allow the "condemned" the right choice. Not at all istigatorio.

" Berlusconi resigns. If he will not do it we'll send him home. There will be a new Bastille to reclaim democracy. " He had said earlier Antonio Di Pietro, that violates the people is the majority shareholder. The return of Robespietro .

No one is so naive as to think that certain characters are acting at the dictation of this or that party leader, but there is no doubt that the use of images and phrases that recall the spectra of distant dictatorships and bloody riots in the streets, to help create a climate in which enhanced with little to lose, and looking for attention, they can find excuses for their political antics, what else are nothing but acts of hooliganism urban but pretend to get dressed in the garb of legitimate protest against the tyrant, and as such to be protected even in the name of constitutional rights.

Attention to the china on which we move. Italy is not even Tunisia and Egypt, but to arm the hand of a fanatic is not a true dictatorship, just someone who creates the illusion .


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