Sunday, February 6, 2011

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That Winning Smile

Ronald Wilson Reagan was born in a small town in Illinois a few souls exactly 100 years ago, when the twentieth century could still see the afterglow of its dawn.

Democrat and fervent supporter of FDR in his youth, Reagan was destined to become the man who would give a new form of conservatism, not only in America.
In 1980, when Reagan, former governor of California, won the Republican nomination to challenge then-President Jimmy Carter , America was a country that could no longer look in the mirror. Both unemployment and inflation were traveling in double figures, the Soviet Union gained positions in every corner of the chessboard of the globe Iran to Khomeini challenged Washington's hard-nosed taking hostage dozens of its diplomats and ordinary citizens, while the White House was unable to provide answers, counter moves, solutions, telling the American people a great sense of helplessness.

The very institution of the presidency was a severe crisis, which is not surprising when you consider that during the previous 20 years John F. Kennedy was assassinated, Johnson, who took his place, suffered a such attrition to decide not to run for a second term, Nixon had to resign following the Watergate scandal, Ford , who took over from Vice-President, could hardly win the nomination for the next election, but was defeated, and Carter, who beat him, is still remembered for having conducted one of the mandates of the most disastrous in American history.
Carter's message to America that he lived with his decline was apparent resignation that it was "time to lower their expectations."

In a similar scenario Reagan was the man who made America believe in itself again . Paradoxically, the oldest president America has ever had was also what could make her feel young again, strong, confident, that prompted her to return to dream (" We have Every right to dream heroic dreams ") and think they can win again, in any field is to be measured.
Reagan prevailed in the election of 1980 by beating Carter in 44 of 50 states, four years later did even better, leaving his opponent ( Mondale ) only his home state (Minnesota).

What a tribute to Reagan in 1984, a victory so overwhelming was radically transformed America, America he thought again can do it, when it was new morning (" It's morning again in America " was one of the themes of re-election campaign): no more expensive stimulus programs and subsidies (" Government is not Our solution to the problem, government is the problem "), but a recipe that all point on deregulation, tax cuts and on the certainty that the free private initiative, once the newfound confidence in herself, would do the rest. As indeed it was, ensuring the United States 20 years of solid economic growth and low inflation almost uninterrupted .

And if the second term was less brilliant than the first, partly because of scandals such as the famous Iran-Contra case , however, those were the years when she reached the final victory in the Cold War against what Reagan had christened the " Evil Empire. "
the pessimism of analysts and sophisticated intellectuals, Reagan opposed a more direct vision of the problem, which found its expression in the popular media " Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall! "spoken in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin still divided.
The launch of the program SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative ), which provided for the development of a missile shield capable of protecting the U.S. from any attack (by making the Soviet missiles "impotent and bsoleti or "), accelerated the collapse of the ruinous Soviet bloc - which, seen from the outside, seemed about to prevail only a few years before - without firing a shot.

As some observers noted a posteriori, then no one knows if America were really able to build such a weapon. The difference was, on a psychological level, the awareness of the Soviets that they do not could never do that. A weapon that never came to work was crucial to winning a war was fought there.

At the end of his second term Reagan left the White House with an approval rating approaching 65%, and waved his nation talking about it as a "Shining City Upon a Hill ", a 'typical image of man.
A stubborn idealist, who had managed to pass his eternal optimism of a people that eight years before drowning in self. And it had not only with laws and programs, but also with her smile full of confidence in the future. A trust which had become that of a whole nation.
The U.S. now feel terribly the lack of that "confident smile" in a time when nearly two out of three Americans think the country is heading in the wrong direction.

Who writes these lines had less than 6 years old when Reagan swore for the first time on Capitol Hill January 20, 1981. It says much of the strength of this story, that manages to touch even those who have not lived in real time. It happens to many people in the United States here today, thousands of miles away.
Because if you care just a bit 'of America, this is a story that you are looking for and, although its last page was written more than 20 years ago, every time you leave to speak can still teach you something that convinces you that is worth listen to him.

" All in all, not bad. Not bad at all .


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