Monday, February 14, 2011

Shower Door Parts Las Vegas

Factor "C"

the left of the Roman palaces, and not only tried to make them fit on the head all the way to us illiterate institutional and constitutional: if the President sees the possibility that there is a majority in parliament can only work for the continuation of the legislature.
This justification, formally impeccable, did pass by, over the years, thanks to which reversals and drop have seen the light of government supported by majorities GMOs of any kind. We
to get angry and shout to the coup, they tell us to reread the Constitution and the history of the Republic: But as early dissolution of the rooms? The Head of State could not do otherwise.

And the script at the end of last year seemed the same, with the usual suspects ready to stake everything on the formation of an alternative majority in parliament that would allow the eviction to Berlusconi, Napolitano, and that would certainly blessed.
All this with all due respect of the will popular. Nothing personal, it is the parliamentary republic.

But there was a little unexpected and "alternative majority", December 14, took a resounding slap. Not only: the more the days pass and the votes in the classroom, the more the numbers for the current government seem to be getting round.
squares from the offices of the attorney shall immediately snapped several B plans to try to correct the path of the incident, but these days is not enough to have a plan B, we also need the Plan C. " C" as Constitution.

is, therefore, that taking the leap to the idea of \u200b\u200ba note del Quirinale, which called for keeping the bass worth the possible early termination of the term , constitutionalists lit (those that, both for understand, they would figure in as a guest impartial BallarĂ²) have already prepared a nice U-turn, even in C.
After all, where is it written that the head of state can not be a "play referee" and send everyone home even if the parliamentary majority holds? It 's true that we have said and repeated for years, but only fools do not change their minds, no?

The Constitution provides that ( art.88) " The President of the Republic, having heard the Presidents, dissolve the Chambers or any one of them .
course, the next article states: "No act of President of the Republic shall be valid unless countersigned by the Ministers for the proponents, who assume responsibility. The acts which have legislative and other specified by law shall be countersigned by the President of the Council of Ministers . And the practice is clear, such a thing has never happened. But the constitutional
Lorenza Carlassarre , Palasharp fresh from Milan, not to impress you and show possibilist about the prospect of an early dissolution of the rooms, even in the presence of a numerical majority in both houses of parliament, without the countersignature of the Prime Minister. It matters little that the same Carlassarre, recently, had said the opposite, considering the idea unacceptable. Politics is fantasy, and even constitutional interpretations must be adapted to the conveniences of scenario.

And the whole spiel on parliamentary republic that we have fed for years to the point that almost we were almost starting to believe it? While Berlusconi out to put in the attic, along with everything that we played for a long time: the rule of law, individual freedoms, respect for privacy and dignity.
adjourn rules and practices and we just take out the enemy and he is the antiberlusconismo beauty.


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