Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Supply And Fit Cigarette Lighter In Car

Art dell'Arrangiatevi

" A country of 60 million people can not have a problem to deal with a few thousand migrants . With these words, European diplomatic sources have said the idea of \u200b\u200ba distribution among the EU countries of migrants arriving from North Africa, advanced yesterday afternoon. So
solidarity than they want, but are your affairs, with the sop of a vague promise of "human material and financial resources " unspecified for the crisis.

So we are on the usual, Europe of the sermons, when it comes down to it, washes his hands and let the hot potato to the unfortunates who if found between the hands is not our competence. Too right.

In all this, with the prospect, we hope to pessimistic, a migration of 200-300 thousand people, our opposition is not even dream of uniting its voice to that government to ask the EU and other member states share of what promises to be effective as an explosive issue, preferring very useful to focus on the usual domestic controversy this time focusing on any particular movie archive that portrays Berlusconi and Gaddafi, proposing fundamental unilateral revision of the Treaty with Libya that certainly in these hours will make the difference to prevent further violence in the streets and squares of Tripoli, as well as to secure the Italians in Libya and to stem the expected flood of refugees and fugitives.

The problem is that these gentlemen for the Maghreb we've got it at home, including dictator, and not by chance any issue of substance takes a back seat in front of the absolute necessity of killing the tyrant.
"The future of the Knight remains far down [....] The immediate prospect is that hundreds of thousands of refugees arriving on Italian shores. In the medium term but the danger (Berlusconi) is that the fire from spreading in the Mediterranean here, "his debut days ago Peter Gomez on" Daily Done. "
Italy such as Egypt. Italy such as Libya. The next step will be to assimilate the people violate the demonstrators in Cairo and Tripoli.
The risk is that someone will believe it and act accordingly.

Meanwhile, if we are overrun by refugees, we must get away from only: arrangiatevi. Business as usual.

Communication Service: The eyewitness, also broadcast on television, many returnees from Tripoli and several others found on the web (the last in order of time and here here) give a very different picture from that reported the newspapers. While nell'innegabile drama of a violent crackdown on the situation in the Libyan capital seems to be more calm as you describe, at least for those who do not participate in the demonstrations, not a small thing for those who in Italy is waiting for news about their relatives . Rely on information that verifies the information before you shoot, always aiming to nine columns and strong only in shades would not give a penny.
But the idea of \u200b\u200ba responsible press is a mirage, like that of a Europe that helped.


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