Monday, February 28, 2011

Hedge Fund Seed Capital 2010

The Free Press

In Italy, you know, freedom of the press is in constant danger, as we are immersed in a system that controls all media, only to be regularly abused by almost every day .
Oddities of belpaese, but where the freedom of journalists to publish anything and everything, even if the material is made available illegally, is a serious matter, strenuously defended by category to the sound of squares filled.

happens, however, that the freedom some individuals, or at least it seems strangely more protected the freedom of others.
E 'news last weekend that journalists Lino Jannuzzi (former elected Forza Italy) and Sergio De Gregorio (now Senator of the PDL), respectively director and reporter Giornale di Napoli years 80 were sentenced to a reimbursement of € 150.000 (which, with 20 years of interest, become 280,000) for having written that the investigating judge of the case Tortora did not work particularly well.

The case Tortora was a textbook example of Justice show: well-known TV personality then, Tortora was arrested in 1983 on the initiative of the Public Prosecutor of Naples on charges of drug trafficking. Defined damning accusation unsubstantiated and the finger pointing of many regretted particularly infamous Camorra and therefore "worthy" of the utmost consideration.

Tortora he served seven months in prison, and was later detained under house arrest. He was sentenced in first instance to more than 10 years' imprisonment until it turned out that the "proof Queen", the presence of his name nell'agendina a racketeer, he felt only the lightness of which had held that: The address book was not the Camorra, but the woman who attended, and the name written in it was not even Tortora, but Tortona.
Tortora was finally exonerated and acquitted on appeal in cassation court after 4 years of hell. He returned to his freedom and even on TV, but died the following year.

The conclusion of the case led to Tortora referendum to establish the civil liability of magistrates . An avalanche of "You " rendered useless by a paragraph of the Law Vassalli (it was discussed here).

Today, for the first time someone pays for the case Tortora, not a judge, not a prosecutor, but two journalists guilty, for various reasons, have pointed the finger to indicate that anyone with open eyes could see for myself.
not find a line on this matter of sifting through sites giornaloni at the forefront in the fight for press freedom and against the gag law. From La Repubblica Corriere all is silent.

Press Freedom Defence said to the sound of squares filled. But only for those who write things "right." For the other squares are empty, if the Cavino alone.


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