Monday, February 21, 2011

Shannon Whirry Y Su Streaptease

The Justice Reform is the mother of all reforms, I think in many.
And not because someone is convinced that the separation of careers, or the reform of the CSM, is a relish that you can feed the people, but because anyone who does not cover the eyes with La Repubblica sees very well the perpetual conflict with the law prevents the policy, not only to the right, to have the power to set the job incisive and long-term need to give the country the economic and social responses that can really make a difference in the everyday life of ordinary people.

justice reform should be done and should be done immediately , because the clock of the term is two years ahead and pass quickly.

Two days ago Berlusconi has raised " resubmit all justice reforms in the coming days convene an extraordinary Council of Ministers. We will also hand in the Constitutional Court, remove read only right now .
not only separation of careers, and therefore separation of the CSM, but also far-reaching reform of the Consulta, its composition and its functioning " will need 2 / 3 of the members to repeal the laws so as to avoid a repetition of the situation today, when Parliament debates a law, approves it and if you do not like the judges left the contest in front of the Consulta, being composed predominantly of judges come from the left, the repealing .

All right, but also serves pragmatism and defects should not blind us to the historical memory.
Unless there are the 2 / 3 of the votes in the classroom (and there will be) a reform is not safe when passing in parliament, the seal has to put the referendum , a land on which very easy to get upside down.
remember what happened less than 5 years ago and try not to repeat the same mistakes: the constitutional reform approved by the then revolted 2001-2006 Degree Course in the legislature as a sock, the law of the state: to strengthen the powers of the Prime Minister introducing the direct election; posed remedy, thanks to devolution, the chaos of conflicts of jurisdiction between regions and was introduced by the center with the ill-fated reform of Title V, reduced the number of bicameral parliament and abolished the perfect introduction to the Senate of the Regions.

All things that, if explained well and without digesting the right time, people, at least one of the center, would have understood and shared.
How did it end all we remember: the people who just a couple of months earlier had given the CdL almost 50% of the vote en masse rejected the reform proposal.

Whose fault? The center of course, that brought out a campaign of huge bales, with the usual catastrophic tones, announcing from the rooftops that if he won the "Yes" Italy would be more or less over the next day. But we expect this time too, if we want a final must be the center to play the game differently .

What to do? To begin with we avoid too large and complex interventions, reform what really has to be reformed urgently, speaking on the separation of careers (and wiretapping, which do not require revisions to the Charter) and leave the rest to those who come after.
Reform to be confirmed by the vote must be understood and this assumes that moves up few guidelines, clear and well defined . Why, when people do not understand, always chooses the way of preserving what exists rather than the leap in the dark.

Building informed consent about the reform of public opinion is as important as the numbers look for them approved by Rooms. This must be quite clear to most if not we revise the replication of the film aired in the summer of five years ago. If this project will be closed in the halls of Parliament, and not "pass" even in the squares, streets and homes, we will meet soon to your starting point.


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