Sunday, February 13, 2011

Fossil Looks Like Rams Horn

The Haunted

" tone down" is the phrase of the day, he launched last week, the Head of State and all, in words, they collection, only to make us not miss the daily ration of controversy TG vitriol for the evening.

" toned down." also said Gianfranco Fini closing today at the convention of FLI Rho: talk to us, of our proposals, and that's it with antiberlusconismo.
And a few hours before the sergeant Granata the had made his proposal: " approve a code of ethics within us! . Right, but why such urgency? " Why we can not allow one of our go to Arcore! ". That's what the code of ethics. We were saying? Enough with the antiberlusconismo.

Italo Bocchino Even in recent days had invited everyone to tone down the rhetoric, and must have been just a tribute to the desired new climate of peace that the leader of the House and FLI his wife expressed their clear desire for relaxation to Felt, and Sallusti Belpietro denouncing to stalking.

According to the reconstruction of the Corriere explain the couple of being obsessed, become suspicious, to jump up every time the phone rings. And you have nightmares at night. The fear that the pieces published in newspapers hateful they would live in a continuing state of anxiety and frustration. Italo Bocchino and Gabriella Buontempo, in their complaint, would argue to be emaciated and lost weight. "
short mouthpiece feels persecuted and his appetite is affected.
If Berlusconi had the poor health of Bocchino and his wife at this time had already come under the oxygen tent, given the attention that the reserve daily press and television, earning among other things, the frequent pats on the back garde Futurist, always in the name of détente.

Finian PS During the festival went for a more sober and dry T-shirt with the slogan "If Ruby can not govern." This is also tone down the rhetoric.


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